Genre : Action / Adventure / Sc-Fi
Plot : When an evil corporation threatens to unleash the black plague, Evan Grail, is recruited by his grandfather, Max, into the order of the Black Knights - a secret band of warriors who have been called upon in the past to fight evil and injustice. Evan learns that his parents were murdered by the same twisted villain, Simon Darth, who threatens to unleash the plague. Evan wears the uniform of the Black Knights and must fight Simon's evil army to save the day.
Format AVI
Language English
Size 700 MB
Genre Action
Runtime 01:26:52
Subs None
Rating 3.3/10
FourCC: xvid/XVID
Resolution: 672x368
Aspect Ratio: ~1.85
Framerate: 23.976 fps
Bitrate: 997 kbps
Qf: 0.168170
Audio tag: MP3
Bitrate: 117 VBR
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100