===== File Info =====
FileSize : 817M
PlayTime : 01:48:18.123
VideoCount : 1
AudioCount : 1
===== Video Info =====
Video 0# Stream
VideoCodec : XVID
VideoWidth : 608 piexs
VideoHeight : 256 piexs
VideoFrameRate : 23.976fps
VideoFrameCount : 155799
VideoBitRate : 913820
===== Audio Info =====
Audio 0# Stream
AudioCodec : MP3
AudioBitRate : 128000
AudioChannels : 2
AudioSampleRate : 44100
Eli (Denzel Washington) has been on a journey for 30 years, walking west across America after a cataclysmic war that turned the earth into a total wasteland. The world has become a lawless civilization where people must kill or be killed. The barren roads belong to gangs of cutthroats who rob and kill for water, a pair of shoes

, a lighter, or just for fun. Eli is a peaceful man who only acts in self defense, and becomes a warrior with unbelievable killing skills when he is challenged. After the war and the "Big Flash", Eli was guided by a higher power to a hidden book and given the task of protecting the book and taking it to its final destination. Eli guards the book with his life, because he knows that the book is the only hope that humanity has for its future.
I didnt know whether to release this the same as i never on daybreakers as its not the best CAM in the world but ive ran as many filters as i can through it,its better than the original file that i started with but its still not up there with the best.Its definetly watchable if you dont want to wait.
Ive included a sample so you can decide for yourself whether to download.
Seed after downloading and leave a comment if you have the time..
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