The Complete Illustrated Book to Herbs,The A2z Diet ,Fitness Plan,Natural Cures - Manteshseeders: 200
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The Complete Illustrated Book to Herbs,The A2z Diet ,Fitness Plan,Natural Cures - Mantesh (Size: 165.78 MB)
Description![]() The Complete Illustrated Book to Herbs: Growing, Health and Beauty, Cooking, Crafts Publisher: Readers Digest 2009 Editors of Reader's Digest Language: English ISBN-10: 0762107960 ISBN-13: 978-0762107964 400 Pages 41.5 MB This beautifully illustrated, complete guide to herbs unlocks the secrets of these wonder plants-from planting and harvesting to cooking and storing- including their health benefits. ============================ Natural Cures ''They'' Don't Want You To Know About Publisher: Alliance Publishing Group 2006 Kevin Trudeau Language: English ISBN-10: 0975599593 ISBN-13: 978-0975599594 592 Pages 2.85 MB This is an amazing journey through the behind-the-scenes world of corporate-sponsored 'nutrition' and 'health' as well as providing essential information on natural cures that can change for the better the way you live the rest of your life. ======================== More Natural Cures Revealed: Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease Publisher: Alliance Publishing Group; Original edition 2010 Kevin Trudeau Language: English ISBN-10: 0982666209 ASIN: B0058M7LPM 368 Pages 74.2 MB Explains why drug and food companies hide the truth about how their products can cause disease. • Discusses how the FDA and the FTC are not protecting you, the consumer, and instead protect the profits of large multinational corporations. • Answers Kevin’s critics, sharing story after story about individuals who are using non-drug and non-surgical natural methods to cure their illnesses and diseases. • Responds to the 20 most commonly asked questions Kevin received in response to Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About. • Reveals material previously censored by the U.S. Government, including the specific product brand names that he believes can prevent, treat, and cure disease. • Reveals brand name products from the list of “do’s and don’ts” in Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About. • Includes weight loss truths, health-care basics, insider secrets, and more. ========================================= The A2z Diet; Dieting Made as Simple as Possible Publisher: World Scientific Publishing; 1 edition 2008 Adrian Yeo Language: English ISBN-10: 9812834486 ISBN-13: 978-9812834485 152 Pages 46 MB This invaluable book explains, in simple language, why we overeat, and why we find food that is salty, fatty and sweet so tempting and addictive. It then zooms into the simplest and most basic principles of effective dieting, which the author himself has used over the past 25 years with success. The book distills only what is absolutely necessary. ====================== Fed Up! : The Breakthrough Ten-Step, No-Diet Fitness Plan Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition 2004 Wendy Oliver-Pyatt Language: English ISBN-10: 0071438017 ISBN-13: 978-0071438018 256 Pages 1.03 MB Learn how to stop suffering from the disease of dieting's Avoid measuring one's own value by dress size Overcome negative relationships with food Set realistic weight loss goals Put dieting in its proper life perspective ![]() Sharing Widget |
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