The.Crying.Game.1992.MULTiSUBS.PAL.DVDR-NEOTERiCseeders: 1
leechers: 0
The.Crying.Game.1992.MULTiSUBS.PAL.DVDR-NEOTERiC (Size: 4.42 GB)
cpN^cRo NEOTERiC PRESENTS The Crying Game -1992- RELEASE DATE ....:23-07-2006 PLAYTiME ........:112min GENRE ...........:Drama/Romance/Thriller RELEASE SiZE ....:94 x 50 mb DVD SOURCE ......:PAL RETAIL DVD9 USER RATiNG.:7.2/10 (11,560 votes) iMDB LiNK ..: iNFO ViDEO: MENU: EXTRAS: UNTOUCHED [ ] UNTOUCHED [ ] UNTOUCHED [ ] ENCODED [ ] STRiPPED [ ] ENCODED [ ] PASSES RE-AUTHORED [ ] STRiPPED [ ] BiTRATE NONE ASPECT RATiO: [ ] 4:3 16:9 PAL [ ] NTSC AUDiO ENGLiSH [ ] POLiSH [ ] DUTCH [ ] HUNGARiAN [ ] SWEDiSH [ ] SPANiSH [ ] DANiSH [ ] iTALiAN [ ] FiNNiSH [ ] HEBREW [ ] GERMAN [ ] JAPANESE [ ] FRENCH [ ] DiRECTORS COM. [ ] 5.1 DTS 2.0 DD MONO [ ] 5.1 DD [ ] 1.0 MONO SUBTiTLES ENGLiSH FiNNiSH [ ] FRENCH [ ] ROMANiAN SPANiSH [ ] HiNDi CROATiAN POLiSH [ ] BULGARiAN [ ] iCELANDiC [ ] HUNGARiAN [ ] RUSSiAN [ ] HEBREW [ ] GREEK PORTUGEES [ ] ARABiC [ ] JAPANESE SLOVENiAN SWEDiSH [ ] CZECH NORWEGiAN [ ] TURKiSH DANiSH GERMAN [ ] DUTCH [ ] iTALiAN [ ] NONE CAST Forest Whitaker ................ Jody Miranda Richardson ............. Jude Stephen Rea .................. Fergus Adrian Dunbar ............... Maguire PLOT A British soldier is kidnapped by IRA terrorists. He befriends one of his captors, who is drawn into the soldiers world. NOTES This is a classic flick from early nineties. Antipiracy-clip, German audio+menu and Spanish audio+menu stripped so we could kept the video untouched. NEWS We are currently looking for the following: - Affilsites Wanted : 100mbit+ 500gig+ - Dumps for Private use : 10mbit+ 100gig+ - DVDRippers (cce only) With fast uploads - people who can supply DVD Screeners If you fit one of the criteria above, Contact us : GREETS T4MDVD - MnDNLDVDR - FoA WpD - BADBOYS - DVDR4U ascii : cpN^cRo Sharing WidgetTrailer |
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