The Entity (S.J. Furie, 1981)[+Extras]-aNaRCHo

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The Entity (S.J. Furie, 1981)[+Extras]-aNaRCHo (Size: 1.84 GB)
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The Entity (S.J. Furie, 1981)[+Extras]-aNaRCHo




"The Entity" may be a spiritual phenomenon,; it may be a psychological phenomenon; or perhaps even a combination of the two. It has been terrorizing people for centuries, if not millenia, and has been recorded in the myths, tales, legends and stories that have been perpetuated throughout the years, in many cultures, from all over the world. It can target both men and women- most often when they are sleeping- and the experiences are usually overwhelmingly terrifying for the person having them.

Psychologists and scientists tend to believe that "The Entity" experiences are merely a psychological phenomenon. The experiences tend to manifest themselves in similar ways, over and over again. It usually occurs when the subject awakens from a deep sleep in the middle of the night, unable to move. Psychologists note that this is like "sleep paralysis", a commonly occurring sleep disorder in which the subject is stuck between a state of dreaming and wakefulness. Often times the subjects feel "unable to breathe" and when asked about the experience say they feel like someone is "sitting on their chest". Psychologists note that this is most likely due to the subject entering into a panic attack as a result of being conscious but unable to move, which in turn triggers hyperventilation.

Other people have much more violent experiences. In the worst case scenarios, the subject can become violently possessed. But more often, on top of what is explained above, they feel like they are being grabbed, shaken, or manhandled. When this is occurring, the subject- time and again- perceive it to be done by a person or being(s). When they awaken from the experience, the subjects feel like someone has just been in their room and attacked them. When the subjects are female, their experiences tend to be described as a rape, molestation or violation. Extreme cases like these are often witnessed by multiple people, which challenges the skepticism of the psychologists and scientists who believe its all in the subjects' mind- and cannot be convinced otherwise, no matter what evidence is presented to them. The 1981 film by Sidney J. Furie, "The Entity", is based on one such case.

Furie's film is based on the book by Frank De Felitta and tells the story of "Carla Moran" (Barbara Hershey). This is a fictionalized account BASED ON THE TRUE STORY of the experiences of Doris Bither and her family. Bither was a single mother of one young daughter and three boys- the eldest being 16. In 1974, she started to become victimized by unseen forces in her California home. These forces would move and throw things around her room, slam doors, violently attack, molest and even rape her. It is believed that up to 12 different "entities" were targeting her at this time.

Already having sought psychiatric counseling, she happened to run into parapsychologists Barry Taff and Kerry Gaynor in a bookstore, when seeking information about her problem. The two men volunteered to investigate the phenomenon and on August 22nd 1974 visited the Bither home at 11547 Braddock Dr., Culver City, CA. The men witnessed Doris being attacked and took photographs during the attack- photographs which failed to "expose properly". Failing to capture all manifestations of the entity on film, Bither and the men did testify to having a shared experience in which they witnessed, "three dimensional, greenish-yellow to-white balls of light." One of the men also claimed to witness a dark faceless did Bither's son on a different occasion.

As more people started to observe Bither in her home, the attacks became less frequent and intense. The family eventually moved to Texas and then back to California, during which they still claimed to have these "supernatural" experiences (though not as extreme or frequent). Bither died in 1995 of a heart attack.

To protect the family's identity De Felitta and Furie characterized Doris Bither as Carol Moran.

The film starts off with Carla Moran (Barbara Hershey) settling down for the night, putting her two young daughters to sleep and wishing her teenage son good night. As she retires to her room and lays down to sleep, she feels a presence enter the room and is subsequently held down, molested and raped by someone...something... She screams and her son comes running into the room. She tells him that she was just raped by somebody. He runs through the house looking for the assailant, but all the windows and doors are locked and there is no one to be seen.

Still scared and confused, when it happens again the next night, Carla grabs her children and flees to a friends. Finding her story beyond belief, Carla's friend suggests she see a psychiatrist; arranging her to meet with a man named Dr. Sneiderman (Ron Silver). Sneiderman is an uber-skeptic who feels that everything has a logical explanation, and every case like Carla's can be explained as a psychological delusion, refusing to acknowledge any evidence that may challenge his conception of things.

Having been convinced by Sneiderman and her friend that it's all in her mind, Carla decides to take her family back to the house and see what happens. At this time a minor incident occurs and is witnessed by her children. Her friend comes over to stay the night, and as they sleep the entity makes it's presence known, though keeps in subtle (not witnessed by the friend). But the next day, as Carla is driving to work, the entity attacks her in the car, causing her to crash.

She continues to see Sneiderman who gives her Freudian reasons for the turmoils she has been suffering. That night, as she is about to enter the tub she is again viciously attacked by the unseen force(s)- this time with a much more violent intensity. She returns to Sneiderman with bruises and bite marks all over her body, in places she could not possibly self-inflict. Claiming that she was held by two small unseen forces while being raped and assaulted by another. Despite being faced with this evidence, the Dr still insists it is in her mind.

Carla invites him to check out her house, during which nothing happens. But when he leaves, the entity attacks with extreme intensity. The force grabs Carla and throws her against the couch, holding her down, spreading her legs and raping her...all in front of her three children. When her son tries to help her, he is thrown across the room and is consumed by an electrical charge. There is no way that any of them will be convinced that it's "all in her mind" an longer.

When she goes to her friends house and is attacked there too, in front of them...she knows the problem is much worse than she thought. And is ready to do whatever it will take to get this terror out of her life.

Carla and her friend go to a bookstore to look up information that may be of help to them, and she overhears a conversation by two men who turn out to be scientists interested in paranormal investigation. The two men offer to investigate her case and decide to stay the night with Carla and some equipment the hope might capture "evidence" of the entity's existence.

During the night Carla is attacked, during which she starts to talk to the entity, asking it to show itself. When she does this, all three witnesses agree that it manifested itself as a greenish three dimensional energy globule (really happened apparently). As this was happening Carla was screaming that it was weak, and that, because of their presence, it was unable to attack her. The two researchers were taking pictures during the whole ordeal and captured images of the electrical discharge...did they just capture evidence of a supernatural force?

After the two researchers bring in another scientist, who witnesses what is happening to Carla she begins to lose faith in Sneiderman's analysis and thus stops seeing him, instead embracing her new friends techniques and ideas of how to "trap and capture" the entity. This drives Sneiderman insane; the idea that she would believe, what he perceives as fantasies, over his perceived logical explanations. He becomes hell bent on convincing her he is right.

As the researchers concoct a plan to trap the entity, Carla is being subject to increasingly intense attacks..including a brutal attack in which her boyfriend witness unseen hands hold her down, press against and touch her. I will mention here that the special effects of "the entity" attacks in this film are spectacular, especially the scene mentioned in this paragraph. The special and visual effects team that worked on this film deserves all the praise they received, as the realism of the effects are what makes the film so disturbing and terrifying.

Desperate for a resolution to the torment, she agrees to work with the researchers to try and trap the entity, despite the fact that their plan is ludicrous, bizarre, unbelievable and incredibly dangerous. I won't detail what it is here (you'll have to watch the film) but surely the very idea will make you laugh. Let's just say it all ends with a frigid bang...

The film closes with the statement that Carla Moran and her family eventually moved to Texas where they continued to experience the entity, though with less frequency and intensity.

All in all, despite the ridiculous- though entertaining- ending, "The Entity" is a pretty thrilling film based on a totally mind-blowing true story. The film is shot beautifully by Furie and his crew, and when you take into consideration the pounding, in-your-face, score by Charles Bernstein, along with the special and visual effects which provided the film with a perfect are left with a stunning, scary, thrilling, entertaining and interesting film that is definitely worth a watch. 8 out of 10.

- The Entity (M. Soldinger, 2001)TLC (hour long doc about real life entity experiences)
- theatrical trailer


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The Entity (S.J. Furie, 1981)[+Extras]-aNaRCHo