The Event S01E01 I Haven't Told You Everything (subITA)-WTRGseeders: 6
leechers: 16
The Event S01E01 I Haven't Told You Everything (subITA)-WTRG (Size: 299.99 MB)
DescriptionDue to grate demand, for the fans of Sci-Fi and Action genres, I have brought the first episode of the series "The Event ". If it will be well SEEDED, the episodes "will keep coming". "The life of the President of the United States is in danger. Mysterious prisoners are locked up in secret government installations. A vacation turns into a drama. Everything seems to revolve around The Event..." A grande richiesta, per i fan dei generi Sci-Fi e Azione, ho portato la prima puntata della serie "The Event". Se il SEED verra' fatto bene, le puntate "continueranno ad arrivare". "La vita del Presidente degli Stati Uniti e' in pericolo. Prigionieri misteriosi sono rinchiusi in installazioni governative segrete. Una vacanza si tramuta in dramma. Tutto sembra ruotare attorno all' Evento..." White Tigers Release Group - WTRG presents The Event S01E01 I Haven't Told You Everything (subITA)-WTRG;summary Next Torrent: Haven S01E01 Welcome to Haven (subITA)-WTRG Sharing Widget |