Note: Use this crack and patcher:
Torrent: The Fall of the Dungeon Guar...Crack and Steam Stub Patcher
New Features :
- Map Editor : Steam Workshop support ! Notes: modding through the Workshop is still not supported, so do not upload Dungeon needing Modded content) ; only the share of the dungeon is ok ; it still misses some part to actually be able to play a custom dungeon- Map Editor : XP Scale per level, which will allow you to create smaller or bigger levels, with more or less enemies, while still leveling at the rate of 1 toon level per 1 dungeon level- Map Editor : option to test only the current edited level, to avoid the long loading time needed for big dungeons
Bug Fixes :
- Modding : fixed the size & position of the scrolling portrait window shown when there's a lot of portraits (ie: more than 16 per gender)- Animation : the mobs weren't sliding anymore when repositioning within 1 cell, but they were sliding most of the time when running for more than 1 cell... >_<