Title The Giant Black Book of Computer VirusesAuthor Mark A. LudwigPublisher American Eagle, 1995Original from Pennsylvania State UniversityISBN 0929408101, 9780929408101
This definitive work on computer viruses discusses the techniques modern viruses use to propagate, evade anti-virus software, cause damage, & compromise system security. Unlike most works on the subject, THE GIANT BLACK BOOK doesn't stop short of giving the reader what he needs to fully understand the subject. It is a technical work which contains complete, fully-functional commented code & explanations of more than 37 computer viruses & 3 anti-virus programs, alone with detailed discussions of stealth technology, polymorphism, evolutionary viruses & good viruses. The book discusses viruses for DOS, Windows, OS/2, Unix systems, & more. Also see related listings: Mark Ludwig, COMPUTER VIRUSES, ARTIFICIAL LIFE & EVOLUTION (ISBN 0-929408-07-1), an in depth discussion of whether computer viruses are alive, & the implications of evolutionary reproduction in the world of viruses. Mark Ludwig, THE MILITARY USE OF COMPUTER VIRUSES (ISBN 0-929408-11-X). George Smith, THE VIRUS CREATION LABS (ISBN 0-929408-09-8) a popular inside account of the computer virus subculture. Call American Eagle Publications at (800) 719-4957 for a catalog of books & software related to computer viruses, computer security & cryptography.