Simply ReleaseS Proudly presents:
The Graves /2010/Complete-NTSC-DVDR/DD5.1/Nlsub

Present day. Arizona. Megan and Abby Graves are inseparable sisters that couldn't be less alike. Megan just graduated ASU with a marketing degree. She's a self-assured, naturally attractive rock chick with a black belt that she likes to use. Abby just barely graduated high school. She's a cute, Hot Topic Goth who's caustic and afraid of her own shadow. They share one thing: a life-long obsession with comics and pop culture. Simply put, they are beautiful geeks. In a few days, Megan will start a new job at in New York. To send her off in style, the sisters go on a wild, pop culture bender that includes a trip to uncharted Arizona in search of a kitchy roadside attraction. Instead, Megan and Abby happen on Skull City Mine, a weather-beaten, abandoned mine town converted into a self-guided tour. But Skull City harbors terrible, vexing secrets. It appears to be haunted. Its caretakers are murderous. Victims' souls are ripped from their bodies right before their eyes, and that's only the beginning. When Megan suffers a near mortal wound, Abby must save her sister, but to do so, she must unlock the mystery of Skull City alone. Can Abby defeat the threats of Skull City and rescue Megan or are they doomed like all the other tourists before them?
Verenigde Staten
Horror / Thriller
geregisseerd door Brian Pulido
met Clare Grant, Jillian Murray en Bill Moseley
Megan en Abby Graves zijn twee onafscheidelijke zusters. Megan is zojuist geslaagd voor haar marketing diploma en heeft gelijk een baan gevonden. Om dat te vieren gaan de twee er een weekend op uit. Hun plannen moet hen brengen naar het ongerepte Arizona met zijn prachtige hippe plekjes. In plaats hiervan komen ze terecht in het schimmige, verlaten mijnstadje Skull City Mine. Het stadje herbergt een aantal geheimen die het daglicht niet kunnen verdragen. Op zeker moment raakt Abby gewond. Om haar te redden moet Megan het mysterie van Skull City Mine zien te ontrafelen.
Graves, The (2010)
Movie..............: Graves, The (2010)
genre..............: Horror / Thriller
Source.............: The Graves 2010 COMPLETE NTSC DVDR-DoR2
Format.............: DVDR
runtime............: 88 min.
Menu...............: Yes Edited Ernie
Video..............: Untouched
Audio..............: Eng: DD 5.1
Subtitles..........: Vertaald door Daboy, Delapluma en Depositair, super job 3Dteam
Controle...........: Smokey
Bewerking+Resync...: Smokey, nice job m8