The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Complete Pack-PROPHET
kproudly announcesThe Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Complete Pack(c) Neocore Gamesrelease date: February 2768protection: Steam# of discs: 1languages: EN/FR/DE/IT/ES/PL/RU/CZ/HU/PTPut on your wide-brimmed hat, grab your weapons andembark on an incredible adventure in thegothic-noir world of Borgovia, where mad sciencethreatens the fragile peace between monster andmortal. Be Van Helsing, monster-hunterextraordinaire and save the day with your charmingand beautiful companion, Lady Katarina (who happensto be a ghost, by the way). Explore the savagewilderness in the mountains and the soot-stainedbrick districts of a grim metropolis twisted byweird science, and don't forget: you might neverknow who the real monsters are!This official Complete Pack includes:* The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing (main game)* Blue Blood DLC* Arcane Mechanic DLC* Thaumaturge DLC* Bonus Kit DLC* Veteran Multiplayer Skin DLC* Treasure Hunter Perk DLC* Scenario DLC1- Unpack, burn or mount2- Install the game3- Copy the cracked content from PROPHET dir4- Go To Hell!NOTE:The game is updated to latest version - v1.3.3dLanguage can be selected in the Options menu* currently we are looking for:> talented cracker> experienced movie ripper> supply games ENGLiSH / MULTi / POLiSH> supply any stuff(movies, apps, even spycam porn of your sister)> supply hardware (box , ftps, etc.)* you match the description? maybe you can join us!*** WE'RE AFTER AFFILIATE PRE SITES IN EURO AND ASIA ***teamppt [at] gmail [dot] comRELOADED + ALiAS + 0x0007 + REVOLVER + HI2UJAGUAR + CRD + TBE + rG + MAZE + PROFiTo3.2oo9ascii: korma[67]

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