The Last Testament Vol-1 #19_no successor.mp4seeders: 1
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The Last Testament Vol-1 #19_no successor.mp4 (Size: 922.82 MB)
The Last Testament, Vol 1
Chapter #19 Chapter title: Half Of Humanity 5 August 1985 pm in Jesus Grove ....................................................... Carlo Silvestro (Swami Swatantra Sarjano) PANORAMA,MILAN,ITALY Q: DO YOU HAVE ANY KIND OF PERSONAL STRATEGY FOR THE FUTURE, ANY MESSAGE TO LEAVE? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF RAJNEESHISM AND RAJNEESHPURAM AFTER YOU? DO YOU HAVE ANY SUCCESSOR? A: No, because all the religions who have followed those lines have turned poisonous, have turned into curses on humanity. I don't want to be a curse to humanity. I am a blessing and I want to remain a blessing. So nobody is going to succeed me. And my message for my people is that the moment I am gone, your religion is gone. Then whatever remains is just a corpse. Don't start worshipping the corpse. I am a free man and I want every sannyasin to be a free man. My love is the only binding force between them; otherwise, there is no theology, no belief system, no agreement on anything. Only one thing is keeping them together around the world, and that is their love for me. When I am not there, nothing can keep them together. There is no bridge. Each sannyasin is individually connected to me. You don't ask the sun, "If one day you stop rising, what is going to happen to the rays?" You know that the rays will not be there the moment I am dead and gone. They have lived with me, they have danced with me, they have enjoyed with me -- now they know the secret of how to enjoy life, how to live life. And there is no need to go on making a church, popes, successors... because they have done so much harm. I will not allow my people to do that. When I am gone, then you disperse. What is the point? my love was keeping you together, and I am no more there. It is good that I am no more, because now your last attachment is also dropped. I was the last attachment to be broken, now you are totally free. You were free from your family, from your nation, from your religion, but a small thin thread of love was binding you with me. Now I am no more there; I give you the last, the final taste of freedom. And then whatever happens, happens. I am not responsible for it. The people who will be coming after me will have the responsibility. And I never think about the future. I am so totally involved with the present... I am talking to you, and at this moment only you exist for me. The whole space has disappeared and the whole time has stopped. Just you and me... only then can there be some communication... .............. QUESTION: I'D LIKE TO SAY A FEW WORDS ABOUT OUR MAGAZINE, WHICH IS A WEEKLY MAGAZINE IN ITALY WITH A REPUTATION OF AN OPINION MAKER, LIKE NEWSWEEK IN AMERICA. SINCE IT IS THE FIRST TIME ANY ITALIAN JOURNALIST HAS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK WITH YOU, WE WILL HAVE QUITE A LOT OF QUESTIONS AND WE HOPE THAT WE HAVE AN ANSWER FOR ALL OF THEM FOR OUR READERS. THE FIRST QUESTION IS: YOU SAY THAT YOU ARE NOT A PROPHET, YOU ARE NOT A MESSIAH, YOU ARE NOT A GOD, YOU ARE NOT A SAINT. SO WE WANT TO KNOW, WHO ARE YOU? ANSWER: Is it necessary for anyone to be a messiah, to be a prophet, to be a son of God? Cannot one just be a human being? I am simply a human being as everybody else is, with a very little difference: I am awake and others are asleep.... read all text here: Sharing WidgetScreenshots![]() ![]() |