The One Show S04E159 PDTV XviD-C4TVseeders: 0
leechers: 1
The One Show S04E159 PDTV XviD-C4TV (Size: 231.99 MB)
. - Your Key To The Scene. : Clean RAR Scene Releases! Enjoy =) ...................................NFO:.................................... . CCCCCCCCCCCCC 444444444TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV CCC::::::::::::C 4::::::::4T:::::::::::::::::::::TV::::::V V:::::V CC:::::::::::::::C 4:::::::::4T:::::::::::::::::::::TV::::::V V:::::V C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C 4::::44::::4T:::::TT:::::::TT:::::TV::::::V V:::::V C:::::C CCCCCC4::::4 4::::4TTTTTT T:::::T TTTTTT V:::::V V:::::V C:::::C 4::::4 4::::4 T:::::T V:::::V V:::::V C:::::C 4::::4 4::::4 T:::::T V:::::V V:::::V C:::::C 4::::444444::::444 T:::::T V:::::V V:::::V C:::::C 4::::::::::::::::4 T:::::T V:::::V V:::::V C:::::C 4444444444:::::444 T:::::T V:::::V V:::::V C:::::C 4::::4 T:::::T V:::::V:::::V C:::::C CCCCCC 4::::4 T:::::T V:::::::::V C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C 4::::4 TT:::::::TT V:::::::V CC:::::::::::::::C 44::::::44 T:::::::::T V:::::V CCC::::::::::::C 4::::::::4 T:::::::::T V:::V CCCCCCCCCCCCC 4444444444 TTTTTTTTTTT VVV [Presents] [Rls Info] Title.........[ The One Show ] Source........[ PDTV ] Resolution....[ 640x352 ] Aspect Ratio..[ WS 1.773 ] Framerate.....[ 25 FPS ] Video Codec...[ XviD ] Audio.........[ 128kbps VBR MP3 48KHz ] Size..........[ 233MB ] Link..........[ ] [Rls Notes] episode contains changing crops, episode cropped to the widest frame as required, Enjoy! [Grp Notes] We are currently looking for: US/UK cappers with HDTV/PDTV and/or DSR feed We're looking for Legit .EU 100MBit+ Lines to Affil - E-mail for enquires E-mail: Sharing Widget |