
Titolo originale - Title: The pervert's guide to cinema
Nazionalità - Country: United Kingdom, Austria, Netherlands
Anno - Year: 2005
Genere - type: Documentario - - Documentary
Durata - Running time: 150'
Musica - Music by: Brian Eno
Regia - Directed by: Sophie Fiennes
Produttori - Produced by: Sophie Fiennes, Georg Misch, Martin Rosenbaum, Ralph Wieser


Un virtuoso matrimonio di immagini e pensieri, "la guida del cinema del pervertito" (The Pervert's Guide to Cinema) è simile a un fiume in piena, guidato dallo spirito cinematografico del filosofo e psicanalista sloveno, Slavoj Zizek ... Realizzato con sapienza e perizia dal regista, Sophie Fiennes. La guida del cinema del pervertito conduce lo spettatore in un viaggio esaltante attraverso i migliori film realizzati. Con un inzio intrigante e una appassionata analisi mentale, il carismatico Slavoj Zizek ci immerge nel linguaggio nascosto del cinema.
Il film ci offre un introduzione sulle più appassionanti idee di Zizek riguardo alla fantasia, realtà, sessualità, desiderio, materialismo e la struttura cinematografica in se stessa. Che stia districando i film di David Lynch, o trasformando tutto quello che pensavate di sapere su Hitchcock, Zizek illumina la scena con la passione, l'intelligenza, e il suo rinomato senso dell'humour.
THE PERVERT'S GUIDE TO CINEMA offers an introduction into some of Zizek's most exciting ideas on fantasy, reality, sexuality, subjectivity, desire, materiality and cinematic form. Whether he is untangling the famously baffling films of David Lynch, or overturning everything you thought you knew about Hitchcock, Zizek illuminates the screen with his passion, intellect, and unfailing sense of humour. THE PERVERT'S GUIDE TO CINEMA applies Zizek's ideas to the cinematic canon, in what The Times calls 'an extraordinary reassessment of cinema.'
The film cuts its cloth from the very world of the movies it discusses; by shooting at original locations and on replica sets, it creates the uncanny illusion that Zizek is speaking from within the films themselves. Described by The Times as 'the woman helming this Freudian inquest,' director Sophie Fiennes' collaboration with Slavoj Zizek illustrates the immediacy with which film and television can communicate genuinely complex ideas. Says Zizek: 'My big obsession is to make things clear. I can really explain a line of thought if I can somehow illustrate it in a scene from a film. THE PERVERT'S GUIDE TO CINEMA is really about what psychoanalysis can tell us about cinema.'
THE PERVERT'S GUIDE TO CINEMA is constructed in three parts. Says Fiennes: 'The form of the Guide is a deliberately open one. There are three parts, but there could be more. Zizek's method of thinking is exciting because it's always building. Things relate forwards and backwards and interconnect into a mind-altering network of ideas. The film's title is something of a McGuffin - just a way to get you into this network.
Lista dei film trattati - List of films
Possessed - 1931
The Matrix - 1999
The Birds - 1963
Psycho - 1960
Duck Soup - 1933
Monkey Business - 1931
The Exorcist - 1973
The Testament of Dr. Mabuse - 1933
Alien - 1979
The Great Dictator - 1940
Mulholland Drive - 2001
Alice in Wonderland - 1951
The Red Shoes - 1948
Dr. Strangelove - 1964
Fight Club - 1999
Dead of Night - 1945
The Conversation - 1974
Blue Velvet - 1986
Vertigo - 1958
Solaris - 1972
Wild at Heart - 1990
Lost Highway - 1997
Persona - 1966
In the Cut - 2003
Eyes Wide Shut - 1999
The Piano Teacher - 2001
Three Colors: Blue - 1993
Alien Resurrection - 1997
Dogville - 2003
The Wizard of Oz - 1939
Frankenstein - 1931
The Ten Commandments - 1956
Saboteur - 1942
Rear Window - 1954
To Catch a Thief - 1955
North by Northwest - 1959
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - 2005
Dune - 1984
Kubanskie Kazaki - 1949
Ivan the Terrible: Part II - 1958
Pluto's Judgement Day - 1935
Stalker - 1979
City Lights - 1931

[ Info sul file ]
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Note English language + Italian subtitle