Title: The Sting!
Developer: neo Software Produktions
Publisher: JoWooD Productions Software
Genre: 3rd Person Adventure
Released: 2001
Matt Tucker became famous as a master criminal, he was good at breaking and entering and others knew this too. Because of this, the police set up an elaborate trap and put Matt away to prison for several years. Now Matt's time has been served, and he returns penniless to a city that has changed while he was gone. Luckily he still has a couple of friends who can help him out, and as for the rest of it: burglary is like riding a bike, you never quite forget...
1) Mount or burn game image;
2) Install the game;
3.1) If you want to see the movies and hear the soundtrack, play the game with the CD;
3.2) If you don't want to see the movies or hear the soundtrack:
a) Open the Registry Editor (Start > Run... > regedit);
b) Navigate to: HKLM > Software > neoSoftware > TheSting!;
c) Modify the string CdPath to read: [game_path]Game, where [game_path] represents the path to the game's folder; e.g., if you installed the game in "C:Program FilesTheSting!", the value of CdPath should be: C:Program FilesTheSting!Game;
d) Close the Registry Editor and play the game without the CD.
3.3) If you want to see the movies, but don't want to hear the soundtrack:
a) Follow the steps from 3.2) above;
b) Copy folder Game from the CD to the game's folder;
c) Play the game without the CD.
Metacritic: link

If you like the game, buy the original.
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