The Time Travelers Wife (2009) [Dvd9Full][Pal][Esp-Ing+SubEsp-Inseeders: 1
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The Time Travelers Wife (2009) [Dvd9Full][Pal][Esp-Ing+SubEsp-In (Size: 5.87 GB)
The Time Traveler's Wife (2009) [Dvd9Full][Pal][Esp-Ing+SubEsp-Ing] -------------- DVD DETAILS: -------------- Languages: Spanish from Spain, English, Catalan Subtitles: Spanish of Spain, Catalan Audio: AC3 5.1 Spanish, English AC3 5.1, AC3 5.1 Catalan PAL System --------------------- DATA OF THE FILM: --------------------- Original title: The Time Traveler's Wife Country: USA USA release: 14/08/2009 Released in Spain: 23/04/2010 Released on DVD (rental): 20/10/2010 DVD release (sale): 17/11/2010 Blu-ray release: 17/11/2010 Studio: Warner Bros. (New Line Cinema) Director: Robert Schwentke Writer: Bruce Joel Rubin (Audrey Niffenegger novel) Starring: Eric Bana, Rachel McAdams, Ron Livingston, Stephen Tobolowsky, Arliss Howard, Brooklynn Proulx, Alex Ferris, Michelle Nolden, Jane McLean, Hailey McCann, Maggie Castle, Tatum McCann, James Lafazanos Rating: Not recommended for children under 7 years Synopsis: Clare (Rachel McAdams) has been in love with Henry (Eric Bana) all his life. She believes they are destined to be together, even though they do not know when they will have to re-break: Henry is a time traveler, punishable by a rare genetic abnormality that makes him live his life in a changing time scale, jumping and back through the years without any control. Although Henry trips are forced to separate without warning and without knowing when they will meet again, Clare tries desperately to build a life with her one true love. Production notes: Based on the novel by Audrey Niffenegger. /////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -------------- DATOS DEL DVD: -------------- Idiomas: Español de España, Ingles, Catalan Subtitulos: Español de España, , Catalan Audio: AC3 5.1 Español, AC3 5.1 Ingles, AC3 5.1 Catalan Sistema: PAL --------------------- DATOS DE LA PELICULA: --------------------- Título: Más allá del tiempo Título original: The Time Traveler's Wife País: USA Estreno en USA: 14/08/2009 Estreno en España: 23/04/2010 Lanzamiento en DVD (alquiler): 20/10/2010 Estreno en DVD (venta): 17/11/2010 Estreno en Blu-ray: 17/11/2010 Productora: Warner Bros. (New Line Cinema) Director: Robert Schwentke Guión: Bruce Joel Rubin (Novela de Audrey Niffenegger) Reparto: Eric Bana, Rachel McAdams, Ron Livingston, Stephen Tobolowsky, Arliss Howard, Brooklynn Proulx, Alex Ferris, Michelle Nolden, Jane McLean, Hailey McCann, Maggie Castle, Tatum McCann, James Lafazanos Calificación: No recomendada para menores de 7 años Sinopsis: Clare (Rachel McAdams) ha estado enamorada de Henry (Eric Bana) toda su vida. Ella cree que están destinados a estar juntos, a pesar de que no sabe cuándo tendrán que volver a separarse: Henry es un viajero en el tiempo, castigado con una rara anomalía genética que le hace vivir su vida en una escala de tiempo cambiante, saltando y retrocediendo a través de los años sin ningún control. A pesar de que los viajes de Henry los obligan a separarse sin ninguna advertencia, y sin saber cuándo volverán a reunirse, Clare intenta desesperadamente construirse una vida con su verdadero y único amor. Notas de producción: Basada en la novela de Audrey Niffenegger. Sharing WidgetTrailer |
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