THE WIZARD.wmvseeders: 1
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THE WIZARD.wmv (Size: 454.21 MB)
The wizard IS a video about the world threw conspiracy and logic's.It
focus's on the divinitional and pshychic quality's of spirit and man. It justifys where some is scared to go. The video speaks in a clairvoyant nature. The wizard of the world also the wizard of OZ. the one who sit's back and waits for people to come and give them what ever they need. The wizard's has invisible powers and visible powers. The wizard is not only human being, he is a spiritual being. The wizard has been threw alot spiritually and physically. Spiritual Deaf And Physical deaf. What Does Spiritual And Physical Deaf Mean: Question: "What is spiritual death?" Answer: Death is separation. A physical death is the separation of the soul from the body. Spiritual death, which is of greater significance, is the separation of the soul from God. In Genesis 2:17; God tells Adam that in the day he eats of the forbidden fruit he will “surely die.” Adam does fall, but his physical death does not occur immediately; God must have had another type of death in mind—spiritual death. This separation from God is exactly what we see in Genesis 3:8. When Adam and Eve heard the voice of the Lord, they “hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God.” The fellowship had been broken. They were spiritually dead. The Wizard Google Keyords: Regardless Music Regardless Devon Victory Regardless Devon Victory Coherst Coherst Independent celebrity Independent celebrity regardless Harry Devon Johnson Dayton Ohio Pictures Dayton Ohio flaawless flaaw Victory regardless Related Torrents
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