The7 v3.9.0 - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

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Added on July 8, 2016 by SArwANxin Other > Unsorted
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The7 v3.9.0 - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme (Size: 253 MB)
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Put simply, The7 is THE most customizable WordPress theme on the market. It features 630+ design customization options. People new to multipurpose WordPress themes will be delighted with The7 Design Wizard. It allows to choose basic settings like branding, colors, header layout, etc. and intelligently calculates all the rest. VoilĂ , your pro-grade site design is ready in mere minutes. Automatically!

v.3.9.0 (Jul 6, 2016)

1. New demos:
- Construction company;
- Hosting company;
- Psychology.
2. WPML compatibility review.
3. Fixed: button "return to shop" wrong hover color with certain settings.
4. Fixed: "self.config.postsContainer.collage is not a function" JS error (prevented jgrid shortcode(s) navigation from working correctly).
5. Fixed: WooCommerce single product post; if related products are hidden, footer overlaps product content.
6. Fixed: Shortcake shortcode; cut the content on click on bullet navigation.
7. Fixed: issue with WooCommerce currency symbol.
8. Fixed: Progress bars; default color is not set to accent.
9. The7 v.2 updated to v.2.3.17 (plugins updated to newest versions).
10. Plugins updated to newest versions.


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253 MB
The7 v3.9.0 - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme