Time Ramesside A New Reckoning-TiNYiSO
Proudly PresentsTime Ramesside (A New Reckoning) (c) Panzer Gaming StudiosRelease On: 5 August 2015 Disk Amount/Format: 1 DVD ISOType of Game: Action/Adventure Media Protection: NothingTime Ramesside is a FPS hard core gaming experience all around. If youlooking for a high fast paced zombie game, that brings in unique playmechanics such as a spell system, and a leveling up system this is thegame for! This is nothing like traditional FPS zombie shooters on themarket. We have designed a system when you kill enemies you gain XPpoints, and SP. The experience points when reaching certain levels youautomatically power up. This power up improves and gives you more healthunlocks spells, powers up spells, and also powers up our ammo and weaponsmaking them more deadlyBurn/mount, install, play!Greetz: LARGEiSO and MEDIUMiSO(C) E/dfs" SIZE DOES NOT MATTER! "