Total Marvel Comics Week of 8-27-2014 (darkhomr) [KAT]seeders: 127
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Total Marvel Comics Week of 8-27-2014 (darkhomr) [KAT] (Size: 723.03 MB)
Each week I will be posting the current week's Marvel titles These are the titles for August 27, 2014.
Included in this pack will be all Marvel comics and Marvel NOW comics. What will NOT be included is Disney stuff, TV stuff, and the kids books. Those will be included (when available) in my Zero Day pack. My release packs are as follows: DC Universe 52 (Wednesdays based on scanners release times, but not later than Friday morning) Marvel NOW! (Marvel Comics in the NOW! universe will be released Wednesdays, based on scanners release times) Total Marvel (All Marvel Universe comics, released on Friday, based on scanners release times) Independent Comics (Non-DC Universe and Major Independent comics, released between Sunday and Monday morning) Total DC (all DC comics released for the current week. Released by Saturday each week. Does not include digital only releases) DC Monthly (all DC Universe comics for the month, released the first Friday after the end of the month) Total Marvel Monthly (all Marvel Universe comics, released the first Tuesday after the end of the month) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() All New Invaders #9 (CBR 8/27/2014) DEATH BY DEATHLOK! THE LAST LUTHER MANNING STORY! WINTER SOLDIER, NAMOR and the ORIGINAL HUMAN TORCH'S initial mission to rescue Jim Hammond's old partner and fellow Invader TORO has changed in light of a new threat that Toro's kidnapper has at his disposal… …Every DEATHLOK in the Marvel Universe! How will the Torch overcome his enemy's ability to control artificial intelligence? PLUS How will Cap react to Namor in the aftermath of ORIGINAL SIN? All New Ultimates #7 (CBR 8/27/2014) SPIDER-MAN, BLACK WIDOW, KITTY, CLOAK and DAGGER barely hold back the carnage of vengeful sewer leaders AGENT CROCK and VERMIN! The BENGAL joins the police squad just in time to regulate Scourge's murderous aftermath! Will the hunt for CROSSBONES reveal a deeper, darker secret behind the city's rampant crime wave? All New X-Men #31 (CBR 8/27/2014) ICEMAN UNLEASHED! Young Bobby Drake takes to the offensive! For someone who's said she doesn't find him particularly pleasant to be around, Laura seems to have taken an odd interest in Warren. Amazing Spider-Man #1.4 (CBR 8/27/2014) Witness another secret chapter from the first days of Spider-Man! What started off as fun-and-games for new villain Clash turns deadly serious. As if that weren't enough, a classic Spider-Man villain joins in on the fun! Avengers #34 (CBR 8/27/2014) ORIGINAL SIN tie-in! - 'THIS PROBLEM OF AVENGERS' The first Avenger meets the last Avenger... And the Avengers World crumbles. You won't believe what comes next. Avengers Undercover #9 (CBR 8/27/2014) THE AVENGERS and S.H.I.E.L.D. ATTACK IN 'GONE NATIVE' PART 3 OF 4! Justice comes to Baron Zemo's super-villain city! When the heroes arrive, whose side will our Murder World survivors pick? Cyclops #4 (CBR 8/27/2014) Scott and Corsair are stranded on an alien planet with no hope of rescue. The indigenous species are none too happy with them. Not that they're very happy with each other, either -- what bargains will need to be struck to get either or both of then out alive? Fantastic Four #9 (CBR 8/27/2014) Who is the new FRIGHTFUL FOUR? Can REED prove BEN'S innocence? And an adventure with the kids of the FUTURE FOUNDATION and the ORIGINAL HUMAN TORCH! Guardians of the Galaxy #18 (CBR 8/27/2014) Original Sin Tie-In! You know you want to know how Star-Lord got back from the Cancerverse. And didn't Nova go in there with him? Guess he's not into the whole 'no man left behind' thing. Inhuman #4 (CBR 8/27/2014) Classified! Original Sin #5.4 (CBR 8/27/2014) Classified! Savage Hulk #3 (CBR 8/27/2014) THE ALL-NEW SERIES BY COMICS SUPERSTAR ALAN DAVIS CONTINUES! Who, or what, is the newest gamma-powered goliath?! Robots, mutants and Hulks, oh my! To what lengths will Charles Xavier go to save Bruce Banner? Silver Surfer #5 (CBR 8/27/2014) The demon, Shuma Gorath, is ready to cast the Earth into Eternal Chaos! The problem is, if the Silver Surfer, the Hulk, and Dr. Strange CAN find a way to stop him...'s Dawn Greenwood who will have to pay the price... with her life. Thunderbolts #30 (CBR 8/27/2014) PUNISHER VS. THE THUNDERBOLTS, part 4 First: Skull to Skull against the Ghost Rider! Then: watch lovers quarrel as Frank takes on Elektra! Uncanny Avengers #23 (CBR 8/27/2014) Uncanny Avengers reunited! The threat of Kang is over, but what are the repercussions? Meet the new faces of the Marvel Universe! Wolverine #12 (CBR 8/27/2014) ONE MONTH TO DIE! A DOUBLE-SIZED SERIES FINALE! Looks like Sabretooth is ready for his final showdown with Logan and he sure picked a meaningful venue. Didn't we just see a fight in a shopping mall that seriously scarred Logan? Oh, right. That whole 'messing with Wolverine' thing. Wolverine and the X-Men #8 (CBR 8/27/2014) What's it like to be a rich, famous, teenage mutant? Just ask Quentin Quire! Logan and storm go on a long overdue date! And when the headmasters are away, villains come out to play. Sharing Widget |
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