
Total War Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai-SKIDROWTotal War Shogun 2: Fall Of The Samurai (c) SEGARelease Date: 26-03-2012Protection: Steam + CEGGame Type: StrategyDisk(s): 3 DVDRELEASE NOTESThe standalone expansion to the award-winning Total War: SHOGUN 2explores the conflict between the Imperial throne and the lastShogunate in 19th century Japan, 400 years after the events of theoriginal game. A dramatic clash of traditional Samurai culture with theexplosive power of modern weaponryGuide ancient Japan into the modern age, as the arrival of AmericaBritain and France incites a ferocious civil war which will decide thefuture of a nationDramatic 19th century Japan settingBased on the backdrop of the Boshin War period, the new campaign startsin 1864, a time of growing resentment against Western colonial powerand influence. As Japan begins to modernise and industrialise, theinevitable social and economic changes lead to increasingly militantnationalism and antipathy towards the Shogunate6 new playable clansPlay as a clan supporting the Imperial throne, or the last Shogunate:Shogunate clans: Aizu, Nagaoka, JozaiImperial clans: Choshu, Satsuma, TosaNew foreign powersThe American, British and French nations play an important part in thestory of the Boshin war, and your relations with these foreign powerswill be integral to unit recruitment and to advancing your technologytreesNew 19th century Japan campaign mapThe new island of Ezo extends the SHOGUN 2 campaign map northwardsFully refreshed towns and other campaign map features reflect the newtime period, with railways making their first appearance in a Total WartitleCampaign map railwaysDevelop your own railway network to move armies and agents between yourregionsRailways can be sabotaged and transport can be blocked by enemy armieswho take control of parts of the line or stations39 new land unitsIncluding modern ranged units - such as the Gatling gun and Armstronggun - controllable in a new third-person modeNew units can also be recruited from foreign powers, including theBritish Royal Marines, US Marine Corps and French Marines10 new naval unit types with a total of 21 shipsNew steam-powered warships, heavily armed with modern artilleryForeign ironclad ships can also be purchased, including theWarrior-class ironcladNew port siege battle typeThis new battle type triggers when attempting a naval assault on anoccupied enemy portThe attacking fleet must sail into the harbour and capture the portrunning the gauntlet of coastal gun defencesNew land and sea unit interactionsDuring a land battle, armies can call in offshore artillery supportbarragesConversely, costal gun emplacements can target enemy ships during portsiege battles, when ending their turn within the range of upgradedcoastal defencesCampaign map bombardments: offshore naval units can bombard armies andcities in adjacent coastal areas on the campaign map itself3 new agent typesThe Foreign Veteran, the Ishin Shishi and the ShinshengumiEach new agent has its own skill tree, and Ninja and Geisha agents havehad their skill trees updated with new abilitiesImproved siege battle mechanicsNew upgradable tower defences can be built with a specific defencespecialty: archery, matchlock or Gatling gunMultiplayer 2.0New Conquest map reflecting the 19th century settingBrand-new Fall of the Samurai avatar, including:Over 40 new retainersOver 30 new armour piecesNew 19th century avatar skill treeMultiple avatars: players can enjoy multiple careers and progressionacross Shogun 2 and Fall of The SamuraiINSTALL NOTES2. Mount or burn image3. Install4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder on the third DVD into thegame installation folder5. Play the game6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!ADDITIONAL NOTESThis release contains:Total War: Shogun 2Total War: Shogun 2 Rise of the Samurai CampaignTotal War: Shogun 2 Fall Of The SamuraiFully updated to latest update version!Uploader Note: Please don't mind inside .jpg file included by one of our preseedingsupporting uploader,sometimes my gameseedbox is dead and in this case i took a torrentfrom a private site with private seeders for better speeds-seeds via dht/peer exchange+myown bandwidth for about 100 GiB.Note: We need anything you can offer as early releases,seedboxes,links,accounts,etcplease contact us on piratepedia[@]msn/ or our website torentz 3xforum roSeed Stats: 20-400 GiB at aprox 10 MiB/sec/20 slots per torrentHow To Get Your Maxspeed (uTorrent)Torrent Client - Preferences - Bandwidth - Number of connections - Set aprox. 500 for each Torrent Client - Preferences - BiTorrent - Protocol Encryption - ForcedBandwidth Allocation - High (Set download/upload limit - Unlimited)Stop Other Active Torrents - Start downloading and wait for connections.Enjoy and Seed for at least 1:1 ratio. Don't forget to say thanks/leave reviews.For more info,crack only,PATCH,serial,keygen,trainers,CRACKFIX,UPDATES,system requirements,cheats,NFO,gameplay trailers,free downloads,pc iso,demos,screenshots,visit some RELEASE SITES or official web pages. IF the game does not work for you then update drivers, directX, componentsas netframework/redist files/etc, run as administrator, change compatibilitymode, block/disable access to internet, copy crack/overwrite, other tweaks,etcSearch here for any future updates/working status/etc, or any other quality Scene Release & filesharing sites.Stop using stupid av's as AVG reporting false positive viruses-disable or use ESET
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