Train Fever Build 7554.7zseeders: 1
leechers: 2
Train Fever Build 7554.7z (Size: 1.51 GB)
Uncompressed size 4.7 GB
To change language go to codex.ini located in game directory and search for the line where is say : ### Language that will be used in game ### Language=english Available languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Swedish :), Chinese simplified and traditional Build 7554 (February 5) Added height map import feature (play height maps instead of random maps) Added terrain asset placement tools (both free placement and track-aligned assets) Added tram catenary feature (tram tracks can be electrified) Added “maxTownSize” as a base config parameter to limit maximal town size Added Swedish translation Improved train behavior (trains no longer reverse when tracks are demolished) Improved train behavior (trains no longer reverse when stations are (un)-grouped) Improved industry grow / decline behavior (faster growth, slower decline) Improved track, road, and station construction (Shift key disables snapping and enables precise rotation) Improved auto replacement tool (locomotives can also be placed at the end of a train) Improved bulldozer tool (trees and assets bulldoze support) Improved Intel Graphics compatibility (note “intelGraphicsMode” in settings.lua) Improved vehicle “no path” warning (now a hint that electricity may be needed is displayed) Improved modding support (Lua config scripts get no longer overridden by other mods) Improved modding support (added file filters: “bridge”, “tunnel”, “railroadCrossing”, “trainStation”) Improved modding support (added “scenario” button to advanced game settings, sets filters above plus “model/other”) Improved modding support (scripts of mods/DLCs can now access GUI selection) Improved modding support (DLCs and mods can now overwrite the built-in shaders) Improved modding support (added “1520″ to list of known DLCs) Improved late-game performance (less/shorter end-of-month freezes) Improved localization (all translations have been updated) Fixed Museum Line achievement Fixed Donnerbuechse model missing texture Fixed a bug which caused incorrect town building collisions Fixed a rare bug that caused save games to not load Fixed a rare train movement crash Related Torrents
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