Transformers Prime: episode 12, "Predatory"
video avi
codec xvid
resolution 640x360
framerate 29
24 bit 3055 kbps
codec lamemp3
bit rate 192 kbps
Transformers Prime Season 1; Episode 12 on the HUB, "Predatory."
See hubworld.com for the description.
This episode was encoded by Dark Prime at tfw2005.com
Spin off Transformers series resembling many of the transformers franchises, notably G1, Live action Bayformers, War for Cybertron (with all those dark energon crystals), and TF Exodus novel. TF Prime is a different flavour of our favorite transforming sentient robots, it refers to movies and TV from a range of decades (Star Trek, fight club), has many fresh quarks using computer animation (mostly the body gestures, like fowler when he gets mad at bulk head, or prime's "lets go" to Rachet). Awesome start to a series, I hope it lasts like they say. However, remember that it was made for TV, and ratings often times call for drastic changes, and when the people watching it on the internet dont contribute to the TV ratings (who are probably the majority, in Canada anyways) it makes me concerned that they will inevitably target the younger audience... But I'll love it anyways!

...my PS3 (which is, incidently, an Autobot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpBt1yuT5wY)
"Autobots, prepare to... remain here."