Trials Fusion After the Incident-SKIDROW
S K I D R O Wthe leading forceproudly presentsTrials Fusion: After the Incident (c) Ubisoft31-03-2015......Release Date Protection..Ubisoft+Steam+CustomRacer..............Game Type Disk(s).................1 BLURAYRELEASE NOTESTake on an unlimited array of platform-racing challenges in the unrealworld of Trials Fusion. Using your skills to traverse acrossobstacle-laden, ramp-ridden courses, you must strive to set trackrecords against the best Trials players around the globe. Whetheryou re racing alone, with friends, or in a global tournamentcompetition is always around you. And racing on official courses isjust the beginning. A rich world of custom courses built by some ofthe most creative and skilled content creators in gaming awaits thosewho are continually searching for a new, insane track to conquer. Andwith long-term support of fresh features and content, the Trialsexperience will continue to expand and challenge players in new andexhilarating waysFeatures:BEST-IN-CLASS PLATFORM RACINGRock-solid motocross physics and reality-bending course designs cometogether for an over-the-top racing experience that no other game canprovide. Show your fearless side with the brand new FMX tricks systemand choose your path towards victory on branching courses. The finishline is the ultimate goal, but the challenge is everything before itUBIQUITOUS COMPETITIONWhether you re racing alone, with friends, or in a worldwidetournament, competition is all around you. Its variety and depth willoffer limitless ways to scratch your competitive itch, and theopportunities keep coming. With ongoing support for special tournamentsand events, team racing, and much more coming soon, the competition isnever endingVIBRANT USER-GENERATED CONTENT COMMUNITYImmerse yourself in a boundless Trials experience with custom trackdesigns made possible by the in-game Editor Mode. With a user-generatedcontent community that boasts some of the most creative and skilledtrack creators in the world, Trials Fusion offers new track after newtrack and opens the door to a world of possibilities only the crazyminds of Trials fans can bringTrials Fusion: After the Incident NOTES:Investigate the causes of the disaster that devastated Earth and ridethrough the post-apocalyptic universe of Trials Fusion in the sixth DLCpack "After The Incident". Following tragic events, the flourishingworld we knew brutally passed away, leading to a vast field of ruinsand the broken dreams of a whole civilisation. How could things end upthis way? SynDI the squirrel probably knows the answerThis content pack adds a whole new career event which will have younavigating through ruined cities and devastated ecosystems. It alsoincludes the following:10 new tracks including 8 classic tracks, one new Skill game track &one new FMX track24 original track challengesThe new "Frontier" helmet and a new look for the RoachDozens of new editor objects including destroyed buildings, wooden rampsets and extreme weather effects5 new achievementsINSTALL NOTES1. Unpack the release2. Mount or burn image3. Install4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation5. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content assecure/trusted in your antivirus program6. Play the game7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!ADDITIONAL NOTESThis release is made standalone and updated to latest version, as manyof the game files are updatedThis release does also contain Riders of the Rustlands, Empire of theSky, Welcome to the Abyss,Fire in the Deep and Fault One Zero releasedcontentGREETINGSTo all friends of the family and honorable rival groups!ascii art by thegodlike & terrific duomalodix + irokostitan artdivision

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