Tryzna /The Wake/(1969)布拉格之春:斯洛伐克电影人的见证03 /August 1968:As Seen by Slovak Documakers[part3]seeders: 0
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Tryzna /The Wake/(1969)布拉格之春:斯洛伐克电影人的见证03 /August 1968:As Seen by Slovak Documakers[part3] (Size: 174.16 MB)
Description![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() other download the film link: ======================================= 布拉格之春:斯洛伐克电影人的见证 August 1968: As Seen by Slovak Documakers 包括三部分: 《我们生活的时代》(Cas ktory zijeme) 《黑暗的日子》(Cierne dni) 《觉醒》(Tryzna) ========================================= August 1968:As Seen by Slovak Documakers[part3] 1968年发生的“布拉格事件”改变了一个国家的命运,甚至成为东欧社会主义联盟在80年代末瓦解的先兆。至今曾经历过那场事件的人们都不愿再回想起往事,它给整整一代捷克人心中留下了难以磨灭的痛苦记忆,而同样作为事件亲历者的斯洛伐克人又听到或看到过什么呢?这张非凡的DVD选在今年八月的斯洛伐克正式发行,正是为纪念布拉格事件40周年,碟中收录了三部非常珍贵的由一群斯洛伐克新浪潮电影人拍摄于1968-69年间的黑白纪录片,均为首次出版面世,之前曾被政府禁映多年,并不为外界所知。 豆瓣电影条目: 《觉醒》以1969年初捷克青年Jan Palach为控诉苏联入侵而在广场自焚的惨剧为背景,记录下布拉格和布拉迪斯拉发两地数十万群众从四面八方聚在一起为其举行隆重的葬礼,并以静默表达内心的悲愤,震撼人心的场面与惊心动魄的配乐交相辉映。 Directed by: Peter Mihálik , Vlado Kuběnka , Dušan Trančík Documentary, Czechoslovakia, 1969, 23 min. Report on the death of Jan Palach to the streets spontaneously brought thousands of people, acquaintances (Rudolf Hrušínský, Vaclav Havel, Roman Kaliský etc.) and unknown. Prague, Brno and Bratislava becomes the scene of hunger strikes, protest petitions unorganized memorial ceremony. The film shows them day after day until the last farewell to Palach, including threatening symptoms recovering totalitarian power. other download the film link: Sharing Widget |