pt. 1. lecture 1. The Gilgamesh epic --lecture 2. Genesis, introduction to biblical study --lecture 3. Exodus, toward the law --lecture 4. Job and the problem of evil --lecture 5. Isaiah, swords in plowshares --lecture 6. Matthew, the new law --lecture 7. Luke and Acts, from Jerusalem to Rome --lecture 8. John, the unbroken net of scripture --lecture 9. The Pauline tradition --lecture 10. Revelation and the eschaton --lecture 11. Augustine and the Christian self --lecture 12. Meister Eckhart, from whom God hid nothing --pt. 2. lecture 13. Justice and poetry, Dante's book of the dead --lecture 14. Ugolino, Dante's last sympathetic sinner --lecture 15. Cantos I and II of Purgatorio, typology and poetry --lecture 16. Utopia, between Heaven and Earth --lecture 17. Luther and the reformation --lecture 18. Shakespeare, Measure for measure --lecture 19. Milton, Paradise lost --lecture 20. Hume, Swift, and the collapse of deism --lecture 21. Kierkegaard's leap of faith --lecture 22. Dostoyevsky's The idiot and the Book of revelation --lecture 23. Nietzsche and the death of God --lecture 24. Joyce, from religion to art.