Patch Notes for 1.8 (The Plant Update)Optimized plants on the programming side so that they are being counted as one draw call graphically and greatly improved performance; this should not impact the user experience. Juvenile animals now have countdowns to sexual maturity in the same way that juvenile plants do. Blue poppies have been nerfed. (We gave them a sexual maturity time so that they don’t grow so exponentially). Increased Impact Point regen by 40%. Some species’ Impact Point costs were reduced. Decreased the Tyto Coin cost to unlock some earlier species, to improve early user experience. Changed the default graphics settings to be higher on load in. Changed the loading message “nesting birds” to “hiding birds” to better reflect the game. (Yes, we’re trolling a bit here.) Collared Peccaries are now omnivores. Users are now able to grab the scroll bar for biome types during Biodome Creation. Fixed the data tool representation of territory radii in Himalayas, which were not aligned correctly. Fixed a reported error for one user who could not unlock zones despite having enough coins. Fixed reported errors to Consistent Gardener and Bicentennial Achievements. Data Tool optimized to load quicker on initial open. Cleaned up some LODs for plants. Fixed Heliconia being able to overlap on placement. Fixed a loading crash. Increased spawn radius for vegetative reproduction. Made the “Replenish Fish” button not green unless there are fish that need to be replenished.