UFO_News_02Sep2013 C2C+Docus+Contactees+BestOfSightings+Moreseeders: 15
leechers: 6
UFO_News_02Sep2013 C2C+Docus+Contactees+BestOfSightings+More (Size: 1.63 GB)
UFO_News_02Sep2013 C2C+Docus+Contactees+BestOfSightings+More Mp4 mostly + some avis xvids
Another collection of Best of the web Ive recently found and converted from flash and other formats fixing aspects to MP4s Some good interesting ones on Contactees.. can they all really be crazy? they say channel 4 made fun of the subject and the lie detector may show deceptive if the person is nervious or unsure of some of the memories.. surely how can a 3 year old be sure of abductions.. I cant recall much as a 3 year old myself and not 100 percent of some of the memories either and they talk about screen memory aliens implanting false memories.. but surely they know for sure humans can be brainwashed and implanted false memories by other himans.. so anything is possible.. what do you think? Enjoy the COLLECT and HELP SEE !!! Im getting low on data again and want enough to last 4 more weeks of shares so watch out if leeching of me I will detect and block you OK!.. ==== in this BUNDLE -------------- Coast_To_CoastAM_30-Aug-2013_Syria Update_and_UFO_News_and_Haunted_Homes+Open_Lines_2hr31.xvid.avi Coast_To_CoastAM_31-Aug-2013_Mind_Control+Syria+Biggest_Spy_Rocket+Other_911_Suspects_Host_JohnBWells_2hr36min.avi 21-August-2013_UFO falls from the sky over Georgia-AsReportedC2Cam_30secs.mp4 Best_UFO_(or mystery Drones,RCs,Balloons,Fakes)_Videos_Of_August_2013_3rdPhaseOTM_37min.mp4 Best_UFO_Sightings_Of_August_2013_AFO_Compilation_5.5min.mp4 Confessions_Of_An_Alien_Abductee_in_UK_Chan4_Documentary_Aug2013_48min.mp4 Confessions_Of_An_Alien_Abductee_Mums_the_Word_Channel_4_ClipOnly-Aug2013_2min.mp4 James Gilliland (of UFO ranch)- Contact Has Begun_USA_Documentary_June2012_(Fixed)WScrn_84min.mp4 Main_Escapes_Alien_Attack_and_Stalking_UFOs_Special_Report_31Aug2013_3rdphaseOTM_24min.mp4 The_Real_4400_UFO_Contactees_Documentary_SkyOne_UK_July2012_47min.mp4 Topic_UFO-Dahlia_Contactee_Follow_The_River_Lost_In_The_Mountains_of_Mexico_VidChat-31Aug2013_35min.mp4 UFO_Contactee_George_Adamski_Fake_or_Not-The_Unbelievable_Podcast_1Sep2013_51min.mp4 Sharing Widget |
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