Ultra-Secure One-time Pad Encryption OTP Crypto [survival pack] (Size: 213.73 MB)
| | André Langie - Cryptography.pdf | 14.34 MB |
| | Cryptography.pdf | 3.31 MB |
| | Bruce Schneier - Applied Cryptography.pdf | 2.77 MB |
| | Hardware Random Number Generator.pdf | 133.53 KB |
| | ISA Card Random Number Generator.pdf | 111.75 KB |
| | isarng.asm | 8.56 KB |
| | rngbox.asm | 21.71 KB |
| | read_rng.c | 8.32 KB |
| | Inventgeek.com - Alpha Radiation Visualizer - Page 3.pdf | 151.75 KB |
| | Inventgeek.com - Alpha Radiation Visualizer - Page 2.pdf | 218.57 KB |
| | Inventgeek.com - Alpha Radiation Visualizer - Page 4.pdf | 90.36 KB |
| | Inventgeek.com - Alpha Radiation Visualizer - Page 1.pdf | 142.09 KB |
| | Inventgeek.com - Alpha Radiation Visualizer - Overview.pdf | 75.71 KB |
| | Cryptomni.pdf | 81.97 KB |
| | cryptomni-1.1.jar | 35.25 KB |
| | Cryptomni.webloc | 86 bytes |
| | VCApplet.html | 8.03 KB |
| | VCAppletListener.html | 6.73 KB |
| | zoom.html | 5.15 KB |
| | ScreenDescriptor.html | 6.67 KB |
| | VCApplication.html | 5.22 KB |
| | IntMatrix.html | 18.82 KB |
| | Enc3_3.html | 5.17 KB |
| | Enc2_n.html | 5.17 KB |
| | PRINTER.html | 5.18 KB |
| | EncDoubledKey.html | 5.22 KB |
| | foil.html | 15.94 KB |
| | encryptor.html | 40.23 KB |
| | EncDoubledKey.html | 21.84 KB |
| | Enc3_3.html | 20.21 KB |
| | EncGA.html | 24.14 KB |
| | Enc3_n.html | 20.75 KB |
| | Enc2_2_Grey.html | 27.02 KB |
| | BitUtils.html | 10.53 KB |
| | BitFile.html | 11.8 KB |
| | dispatcher.html | 44.88 KB |
| | ImageIconLoader.html | 5.25 KB |
| | package-use.html | 4.98 KB |
| | package-tree.html | 5.37 KB |
| | package-summary.html | 5.59 KB |
| | package-frame.html | 800 bytes |
| | ImageIconLoader.html | 12.61 KB |
| | ClassUtil.ClassInstantiator.html | 5.44 KB |
| | ClassUtil.html | 5.3 KB |
| | ResourceInstantiator.ResourceInstantiationException.html | 9.48 KB |
| | ResourceLoader.FileTypeInstantiator.html | 7.26 KB |
| | ResourceLoader.ByteArrayInstantiator.html | 7.28 KB |
| | ResourceInstantiator.html | 11.92 KB |
| | ClassUtil.ClassGetter.html | 5.39 KB |
| | URLDecoder.html | 5.3 KB |
| | ResourceLoader.html | 5.34 KB |
| | ResourceInstantiator.ResourceInstantiationException.html | 11.38 KB |
| | ResourceInstantiator.html | 11.31 KB |
| | ResourceLoader.FileTypeInstantiator.html | 13.84 KB |
| | ClassUtil.html | 23.75 KB |
| | ClassUtil.ClassInstantiator.html | 17.42 KB |
| | ClassUtil.ClassGetter.html | 12.06 KB |
| | ResourceLoader.html | 53.44 KB |
| | ResourceLoader.ByteArrayInstantiator.html | 13.97 KB |
| | URLDecoder.html | 9.29 KB |
| | package-frame.html | 1.88 KB |
| | inherit.gif | 57 bytes |
| | index-7.html | 33.94 KB |
| | index-6.html | 9.02 KB |
| | index-16.html | 12.43 KB |
| | index-22.html | 6.94 KB |
| | index-8.html | 8.44 KB |
| | index-10.html | 6.61 KB |
| | index-1.html | 7.04 KB |
| | index-9.html | 12.98 KB |
| | index-2.html | 8.78 KB |
| | index-15.html | 10.58 KB |
| | help-doc.html | 8.66 KB |
| | allclasses-frame.html | 4.01 KB |
| | deprecated-list.html | 4.75 KB |
| | overview-frame.html | 1.16 KB |
| | constant-values.html | 32.71 KB |
| | allclasses-noframe.html | 3.29 KB |
| | packages.html | 666 bytes |
| | overview-summary.html | 5.48 KB |
| | serialized-form.html | 21.33 KB |
| | stylesheet.css | 1.17 KB |
| | IntMatrix.java | 6.06 KB |
| | imagepreview.java | 2.41 KB |
| | PRINTER.java | 1.55 KB |
| | VCApplication.java | 1.58 KB |
| | VCAppletListener.java | 13.15 KB |
| | ImagePanel.java | 7.62 KB |
| | Pixel.java | 3.22 KB |
| | permutation.java | 3.04 KB |
| | encryptor.java | 10.12 KB |
| | Enc2_2_Grey.java | 7.54 KB |
| | ImageIconLoader.java | 4.8 KB |
| | ClassUtil.java | 13.22 KB |
| | URLDecoder.java | 2.62 KB |
| | ResourceLoader.java | 39.68 KB |
| | ResourceInstantiator.java | 3.03 KB |
| | Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät | Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsinformatik 4 - Management der... | 66.74 KB |
| | visual.java | 5.27 KB |
| | INOUT.java | 1.94 KB |
| | alter.java | 3.92 KB |
| | CONTROL.java | 1.88 KB |
| | setup.java | 2 KB |
| | GPL.txt | 17.57 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 7.78 KB |
| | Process1.jpg | 2.07 KB |
| | Open1.jpg | 1.84 KB |
| | logo.jpg | 5.61 KB |
| | Process2.jpg | 2.12 KB |
| | Open2.jpg | 1.86 KB |
| | visual.class | 4.59 KB |
| | visual_buttonOpen_mouseAdapter.class | 474 bytes |
| | INOUT.class | 1.36 KB |
| | CONTROL.class | 1.56 KB |
| | alter.class | 2 KB |
| | visual_buttonProcess_mouseAdapter.class | 480 bytes |
| | setup.class | 1.1 KB |
| | Run.bat | 20 bytes |
| | make.bat | 89 bytes |
| | running_the_program.txt | 317 bytes |
| | One-Time Image.pdf | 102.37 KB |
| | vck.gif | 73 bytes |
| | vck-split-mono.py | 1022 bytes |
| | vck.py | 25.26 KB |
| | vck-split-grey.py | 948 bytes |
| | vck-readme.txt | 3.72 KB |
| | Crittografia-visiva.pdf | 56.29 KB |
| | guido.tif | 5.68 KB |
| | vck.tif | 4.41 KB |
| | Crittografia-visiva.doc | 91 KB |
| | Visual Cryptography.pdf | 118.13 KB |
| | MSVBVM50. | 845.29 KB |
| | oleaut32. | 315.93 KB |
| | olepro32. | 15.53 KB |
| | comcat. | 9.91 KB |
| | CT-46 OTP. | 34.51 KB |
| | asycfilt. | 74.04 KB |
| | Readme. | 2.67 KB |
| | Ctl3d32. | 15.23 KB |
| | stdole2. | 6.97 KB |
| | VB5StKit. | 16.07 KB |
| | CT-46 OTP.exe | 65 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 5.16 KB |
| | Numbers Help.pdf | 108.93 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 8.75 KB |
| | NUMBERS.exe | 194 KB |
| | oleaut32. | 315.93 KB |
| | NUMBERS. | 85.02 KB |
| | comcat. | 9.91 KB |
| | Readme. | 4.72 KB |
| | SETUP1. | 71.66 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 8.86 KB |
| | setup.exe | 87.5 KB |
| | Numbers Help. | 110.35 KB |
| | MSVBVM50. | 845.29 KB |
| | stdole2. | 6.97 KB |
| | softthere.com : Projects : OneTimePad.pdf | 123.71 KB |
| | Numbers 8.3.pdf | 256.9 KB |
| | cuban_agent_communications.pdf | 71.64 KB |
| | is_one_time_pad_history.pdf | 40.59 KB |
| | spies_and_numbers.pdf | 26.11 KB |
| | Numbers Stations.pdf | 1.33 MB |
| | one_time_pad.pdf | 164.04 KB |
| | Prison Planet.com » The SINGLE Most Important Step to Protect Yourself from Government Spying »... | 416.42 KB |
| | One-Time Pad (OTP).pdf | 914.54 KB |
| | OLFP ( One Time Figure Pads) and OTLP (One Time Letter Pads).pdf | 1.42 MB |
| | Manual One-time pad.pdf | 462.11 KB |
| | Manuelle Chiffrierverfahren.pdf | 13.83 MB |
| | otp.jpg | 77.7 KB |
| | otp-intro.pdf | 26.65 KB |
| | Torrent downloaded from ThePirateBay.sx.txt | 46 bytes |
| | otp.nfo | 2.88 KB |
| | telenet_be.iso | 150.7 MB |
| | Torrent downloaded from Kat.ph.txt | 37 bytes |
Ultra-Secure One-time Pad Encryption OTP Crypto [survival pack]
OTP files: software for win mac linux, hardware schematics, pdf text files, audio, pictures
Other files: books and text files on other types of cryptography e.g.: Bruce Schneier - Applied Cryptography
In these difficult times it is of the utmost importance to learn how to communicate securely. Read my intro.
Security is important but since most terrorist events and false flags have been caused by western governments and their intelligence agencies themselves (do your own research), THEY will NOT give you security at all, and you'll have to find a way to be secure from THEM. They are the one major threat to your security - just like the Gestapo in Nazi-Germany and the Stasi in Eastern Germany. Do you finally get it or are you still trapped in the MATRIX?
Oh, you have nothing to fear because you have nothing to hide. That's what the Jews in Nazi-Germany had said too. By the way, did I tell you that the masonic elite are planning world war 3? But don't worry, since you have nothing to hide you will be safe. The total surveillance state is also being installed by the criminal elite to stifle any protest that will happen during the coming war. Who did you think the over 500 Fema internment camps have been set up for? They're turning America into a prison camp now - and in a prison camp total surveillance is the rule. Remember: "Arbeit macht frei".
Even NSA quantum computers cannot break OTP encryption - this has been proven mathematically. Why do you think you've never heard of OTP? That's why! Most cryptography software has been created and distributed by intelligence agencies themselves. Obviously they want you to use something they're able to crack or get access to by a backdoor. Use your common sense for a change - dude. And their disinformation agents will be throwing a hundred bogus reasons at you why you should never use OTP - what did you expect?
Is One-time pad Unbreakable? If all rules of one-time pad are followed? Yes! Since the key is truly random, one cannot determine which key is used. If someone had infinite computational power he could go through all possible keys (a brute force attack). He would find out that applying the key XVHEU on cypher-text QJKES would produce the (correct) word TODAY. Unfortunately, he would also find out that the key FJRAB would produce the word LATER, and even worse, DFPAB would produce the word NEVER. He has no idea which key is the right one. In fact, you can produce any desired word or phrase from any OTP-encrypted message, as long as you use the 'right' wrong key. There is no way to verify if a solution is the right one. Therefore, the one-time pad system is proven completely secure.
tags: encryption, decryption, one-time pad, key, security, software, cryptanalysis, OTP, cipher, cypher, software, cryptography, privacy, internet, network, crypto, militia, freedom, survival, prepper
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