United We Fall (B. Law, 2010)-aNaRCHoseeders: 0
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United We Fall (B. Law, 2010)-aNaRCHo
United We Fall is the latest documentary by Canadian Dan Dicks who runs the website pressfortruth.ca Canadians will remember him if they were watching youtube footage of the G20 Toronto 2010 protests, in which he was working along with Charlie Vietch (that dude walking around with the microphone in many videos) and often featured on that douchebag idiot Alex Jones show. Why he aligns himself with Jones is beyond me, either way, i find Dicks to be alot more reasonable than Jones, whom i despise. Here he is getting arrested pre-G20 when the Constitution was suspended and martial law essentially imposed: Anyways, in this film he outlines the basic tenets behind the concept of the North American Union, an EU style system that would include Canada, the US and Mexico under one set of laws, standards, currency and governance...and one step closer to a World Government - a wetdream of Libertarian scum who suffer from unfettered greed and rampant egomania; a nightmare for the rest of us. THIS FILM IS FROM THE CANADIAN PERSPECTIVE This is particularly RELEVANT RIGHT NOW as this disturbing model is becoming all too much of a reality. Stephen Harper (the Prime Minister of Canada who has taken dictatorial control of the country, appointing his pro-Israeli/US pro-intelligence/security state shills in every position he can whether it be in the bureaucracy, senate, judiciary, civil service etc, while having a 36% approval rating) is working together with Obama to systematically eliminate all differences between our countries, whether it be in security, environmental standards, food standards, religiously driven legal framework, foreign policy, domestic policy etc...everything i've ever known to make us Canadian is being lost, overwhelmed by the disturbing far right conservative values from the south. Like I said, this is particularly relevant now as Harper & Obama recently had secret discussions in which backroom deals were made to standardize the two countries to "make trade more efficient" supposedly. If you give a shit about Canadian sovereignty and maintaining values distinct from those of the US, you should be gravely concerned: http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Canada/20110204/harper-obama-meet-in-washington-110204/ If anyone watched Jeopardy the past few days, in which IBM's artificial intelligence jeopardy playing supercomputer WATSON beat out the two best human jeopardy players. Consider what happened in final jeopardy, when the category was "US Cities" ...WATSON didn't seem to "be itself" answered wrong a seemingly easy as pie question ...answering "Toronto????" ...a premonition from our newfound digital messiah perhaps? you can download the episode and read the note ive made concerning this, here: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/6177708/Jeopardy.2011.02.15.The.IBM.Challenge.Day.2.HDTV.XviD-FQM The film is made up largely of interviews with some very interesting key figures, including: Former Canadian Ambassador to the US Alan Gotlieb; "Father of the NAU" Robert Pastor; Former Dept. Prime Minister under Mulroney John Manley; Professor of Economics at Simon Fraser University (and right-wing libertarian think tank The Fraser Institute) and "Father of the Amero" Herbert Grubel...as well as critics: Former head of the Canadian Action Party Andrew Moulden; and KAIROS representative John Dillon. How appropriate that this contains a KAIROS rep with all the hooplah going on in Canadian politics right now with Harper trying to undemocratically cut funding to human rights organization KAIROS: http://www.vancouversun.com/life/Cuts+KAIROS+raise+questions+transparency+democracy/4299591/story.html Eerily reminiscent of the situation in which Aural Braun et al killed Remy Beauregard during a similar anti-human rights, pro-israel takeover of the Rights & Democracy organization: While somewhat incomplete, this is a pretty fair introduction to what the NAU is, and who is behind it's promotion. It gives you both perspectives and while clearly taking a position in opposition to the NAU, it leaves you to decide for yourself. The film starts off by describing how NAFTA was undemocratically forced on us by right-wing libertarian scumbags Ronald Reagan, Brian Mulroney and "The Coke President" Vincente Fox. It continues to discuss who is promoting the creation of the NAU, why they think it's a good idea/what they hope to benefit it; and what effects Canadians are going to feel (ie there will be no more Canada...points out that many major corporations perceived to be Canadian are now owned and controlled by US interests and what that means for Canadians). The film also talks about the establishment of a single NAU curency called the AMERO, interviewing some Mexicans off the street who voice their opinions about wanting to keep their Peso for Nationalistic and Sovereignty driven reasons. The film ends by helping the viewer understand what the creation of an institution like the NAU is going to mean for people who have, what everyone other than Harper pumping conservatives consider, "Canadian Values" ...THERE IS NO GOING BACK ONCE ITS DONE. We are Canadians, we are very different than our southern neighbours and we MUST NOT BOW AND SUBMIT TO INSATIABLE GREEDY IMPERIALIST GOONS. Ask yourself? What are you going to do to stop this from coming to fruition? Our water, our resources, our values and our FREEDOM is at risk. Don't let them sell out our future. FUCK THE NAU! FUCK THE AMERO! and FUCK FREE TRADE! "Canadians completely unaware of Looming North American Union": http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=6346 PLEASE SEED AND ENJOY!!! Sharing WidgetTrailer |