Unreported World ~ Nepal The Living 2009 11 13 Ch 4seeders: 1
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Unreported World ~ Nepal The Living 2009 11 13 Ch 4 (Size: 233.15 MB)
Unreported World ~ Nepal The Living 2009 11 13 Ch 4
233.15 MB/ 23:48 mns/Xvid Unreported World highlights the tragic plight of Nepal's child widows, some of whom are as young as thirteen. Many face abuse and servitude for the rest of their lives, ostracised by their families and communities, and often forced to sell their bodies to provide food and shelter for themselves and their children. Reporter Yemi Ipaye and director Katherine Churcher begin their journey in south-eastern Nepal. Nearly half the country's population live here and child marriage is prevalent. . The most respected Hindu priests in the area tell that child widows are worse than adult widows and that the ancient custom of Sati, where a widow would throw herself on her husband's funeral pyre, was better than being a child widow. In Kathmandu, the team films an unprecedented protest by widows from all over Nepal. They are protesting against a new government policy which effectively means that men would be paid £400 if they married a widow. The widows say it will mean they are treated as commodities to be bought and sold by men. The government minister responsible for the policy says it is an incentive to encourage the remarriage of widows, which is taboo in Nepalese society, and that he has no plans to withdraw it. Before leaving Nepal the team travel to Pashupatinath Temple. A cremation is taking place. This was where many widows over the centuries would have committed Sati, by throwing themselves on their husbands' burning pyres. Although this practice is now outlawed, it's clear that in Nepal today some widows are treated as if they are living Satis. They are physically alive, but socially dead. (EDITS) http://www.channel4.com/programmes/unreported-world/episode-guide/series-2009/episode-18 /> File Name .............: Unreported World S18E08 - Nepal The Living Dead (13 November 2009) Source: http://www.thebox.bz/details.php?id=99231 /> Cap: geclipse Other shunster posts at:http://www.bt-chat.com/browse.php?category=11 Sharing Widget |
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