[UPDATE] Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny - Update 1.21 (ENG) - RELOADEDseeders: 0
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[UPDATE] Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny - Update 1.21 (ENG) - RELOADED (Size: 1.7 GB)
Description![]() Game: Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny Version: v1.21 Language: ENG Release group: RELOADED Protection: Steam Changelog Patch 1.06 - Character: Armor Display Bug of 1.05 fixed - Fights: Improved Arena Assignment - Dungeons:Light position improved - Fights: Prevent Spell overcasting (exception: Ignifaxius) - Fights: Fix Spellcost - Character: Parry updated - Travel: Fixed faulty Events freezing journey - Travel: Fixed encounter positions - Fights: Fix Initiative Display and Order - Thorwal: Replaced NPCs - House Scenes: Modified, replaced NPCs - Fights: Deactivated ActionCam - Fights: Activated Spell Chain and Menacle - Fights: Activated Spell Be My Friend - Fights: Activated Spell Evil Eye - Fights: Activated Spell Great Confusion - Fights: Activated Spell Horriphobus - Fights: Activated Spell Astral Theft - Fights: Activated Spell Somnigravis - Fights: Activated Spell Mad Dance - Fights: Activated Spell Clarum Purum - Fights: Activated Spell Falcon’s Vision - Fights: Activated Spell Plumbumbarum - Fights: Activated Spell Bane of Fire - Fights: Activated Spell Paralyse - Fights: Flee Battle activated - Fights: Parry reactivated - Fights: Greatly increased visual battle feedback - Fights: Character Movement improved - Villages: NPCs replaced in all towns... Ala, Angbodirtal, Aryn. Auplog. Bodon, Breida, Brendhil, Clanegh, Daspota, Efferdun, Einsiedlersee, Fähre Angbodirtal, Felsteyn, Fähre Tjoila, Groenvelden, Guddasunden, Hjallander Hof, Hjalsingor, Kord, Kravik, Liskor, Ljasdahl, Manrin, Merske, Nordvest, Oberorken, Orkanger, Orvil, Ottarje, Overthorn, Peilinen, Phexcaer, Prem, Rovamund, Rovik, Rukian, Runinshaven, Rybon, Serske, Skelelle, Skjal, Thorwal, Thoss, Tjanset, Tjoila, Treban, Tyldon, Vaermhagen, Vidsand, Vilnheim - Locations: Tavern new - Locations: Tempel new - Blacksmith: New Anvil-Sound - Game Start: Welcome message (will also trigger in existing Games in every Temple of Thorwal) - Mainquest: Swafnild Egilsdotter harbour trigger fixed - Character: ST-Bonus Damage Accumulation fixed - Character: Fixed prssing “C” showing Quest- AND Inventory Screen - User Interface: Made ShowInventory and ShowQuestbook Buttons toggle their respective windows - Thorwal: Armory 30D Credit activated - Character: Payment Bug fixed - Market: Fixed Text Bug - System: Black Screen after intro fixed Patch 1.07 - Character: Fix hang for All negative attributes mined - Character: Recalculate Armor mali on Levelup - Trade: Fix free Healers - Tavern: Fix wrong dialogs Branches - System: Performance Setting impact vastly improved - Towns: Improved Animations of the new NPCs - Dungeon: Fix Old Bailey Quest - Dungeon: Fix empty chests in spidercave (only works with new games as chest status resides in Savegame after first entrance) - Camp:: Waterskin refill fixed - Dungeon: Fix pirate cave door - Camp: Fix Savegame Time forward - Towns: Add “Master Dramosh” in front of Old Bailey - Towns: Leave House Tooltip fixed - Questbook: Actually hide Hidden quests - Townmap Rybon fixed - System: Fixed Save/Load-Game-Error on with new Characters, old Savegames should work again Patch 1.08 - Character: Fix missing class restrictions - Character Fix weapon damage display - Character: Fix magic item bonus - Character: Fix twohanded restrictions - Fight: Fix throwing weapon usage - Character: Animations updated - Fight: NPCs flee scene - Villages: some Markets updated - Item: Fixed ST-Bel - Fight: Fixed Opponent Portraits Patch 1.11 - We skipped Version 1.09 and 1.10 for organisational reasons - Travel: Events Varnhome -> Daspota and Ottarje -> Daspota fixed - Travel: Random event handling improved - Event: Temple of the Nameless One event fixed - Travel-Map: Highlight of known Quest locations - Dialog: Frenja Jandasdotter fixed - Quest: Gorah fixed - Fight: Fix variable Spellrange for negative Skill values - Fight: Spell Strength selection fixed - Towns: Thorwal objects fixed - Towns: Guddasunden fixed flying NPCs - Towns: Armory rechecked, should work now for new Hetman missions - Towns: Daspota Vend Vendarrson fixed - Towns: Markets fixed - Dungeon: Activated Mine of Prem - Dungeon: Activated Mine of Upper Orken - Dungeon: made Nameless One reachable again - Character: Levelup negative attribute fixed - Character: NPC Animations fixed - Items: Tinderbox is now usable with Torch and Lamp - Dungeons: now require an active Lightsource (lighted and equipped Torch or Lamp, active Light in the Darkness spell) Patch 1.12 - 1.13 New Fight opponents - Spiders added - Steppe Dog added - Grimwolf added - Zombies added - Ogres added - Harpys added - Monsterportraits added Fixes and Improvements - Different Marketbooths fixed - Ground-Dwarf (and his beard) in front of Old Bailey fixed - Minimaps fixed - Fulminictus fixed - Ignifaxius fixed - Armory finally fixed - Ranged and Magic Line of Sight improved - Hitanimations improved - Lights now go out as intended - Bug in Loot Distribution Window autoloot fixed - Gorah improved - Magic without AE not possible any more Patch 1.14 - Reactivated Postprocessing Effects on fantastic quality and reasonable effects on other qualities - Made Motion Blur deactivated - Item-Images update - X at timberbox - Character Generator: Changed Song - Honest Jorge fixed (incl. item sale) - Fights fixed - Fight: Lockups should be fixed - Final Fight black magician’s ruin Mappiece fixed - First Staff Enchantment - Second Staff Enchantment - Third Staff Enchantment - Forth Staff Enchantment - Attributo activated - Negative Attributes rule fixed - Two handed weapons (Battleaxe, spears, staffs) fixed - Inventory: Stacking broken Items fix - Level Up fix (when drunk) - Tavern, drinking and leaving dialog fix - Stone arenas fixed - Armor and Weapon Information (Trader) by tooltip - Battle UI fix (NPC portrait) - Battle UI sorting update - Battle Menu fix - Battleturn more speed Patch 1.15 - new Music assignment - improved Fight Initiative display (no more overlapping images) - Black magician’s Ruin Endfight and Chest fixed - Usergenerated Character Images of “Jorsch” included - Fight Action Camera reactivateable in globalsettings - Fight Camera focuses on current Char - Item Bonus fix - Panicbutton Scrollbar fixed - ESC-Menu while in Character Generation deactivated - Doubleclick on Exit (to Skip animation) no longer clicks the button outside) - Item Images fixed - Lowering Negative Attributes rolls three times instead of one - Random Bard Event unlocked - Arrival at correct Signpost / Harbor - Eliane Windenbek forced at the barde - Barde appears for at least two informer tips - Swafnild Egilsdotter can be met at harbors again - 4th Staff Enchantment fixed Patch 1.16 - Enemys can use magic - Enemys can use distant attacks - Loading city views didn't work after 1.15 -> fixed in 1.16 (reference: Patch 1.15: Hänger beim Einlaufen in den Thorwaller Hafen) - For Mac users, character models in battle were missing -> fixed (reference: [OS X] Steam - Patch 1.15 Fehlende Helden 3D Modelle) - Missing buttons when creating a new character / missing background -> fixed - Character images were not saved -> fixed - NEW: new file folder for character images. You can now import your own images (png, jpg, 256x256) - Character images can be changed even after character generation by a mouseclick on the corresponding portrait in the character screen (-> the images will cycle through all specific portraits for the avatars race plus through all own images) - Flyover for map buttons now work and show their helptext - Hang(s) in combat probably fixed (please report, if further hangs occur) Patch 1.1 - Rebalancing: Fewer Rations on Camp Foodsearch - Enemy Vitality fix (every enemy had 20 Vitality so far) - Daspota and other “House”-Trigger made unique - Leaving Hyggeliks Ruin fixed - QuickSave (F5) + QuickLoad (F6) - Defaultresolution to 1024x768 - Default Quality to Beautiful - Default Double assignment for c removed - Extro fixed - Ork-Champion fixed - More Performance Optimizations - Heshtot-Fix in Dragoncave - Armory can only be entered once - Textfix Honest Jorge - Dragoncave Pirate fight just once - Settings-Dialog reworked - Volume for Voiceover - Volume for Foodsteps - Choice of Language Patch 1.18 - Poisoned Weapons - Recipes - Alchemy - New Options - (de)activate Run motion blur - Optionally reactivate Killcam - Optionally deactivate Move to current character - Settings for Spells don't close on Click anymore - Ugdalf Poison Gas room fixed - Guddasunden Update (Signpost) - Temple Women dressed - Thorwal new main road - Fixed Thorwal Windmill - Fixed Ugdalf door - Fixed Mine of Prem dead end - Disappearing Lamp post in Rovik fixed - Fixed Battlearena Corners - Stoerrebrandt fixed - Time Usage on Staff ritual despite of error message removed - Quicksave in Battle deactivated - Loading on the road fixed - Varnheim Hostel name fixed - Confirmation when closing the Game (Window Mode) - Prevented repositioning of Characters when selling (exploit) - Questlog Texting and Translation fixed - Fixed strange Loot screen behaviour (creation of Crossbows) after some battles Patch 1.19 - OC in Thorwal - Minimap in Thorwal - Problem entering Houses and Camps fixed - Hyggelik Map fixed - Minimap Clanegh fixed - Fixed Settings Screen - Fixed camps - Paralize fixed - End Battles when all opponents are paralyzed. - Horriphobus fixed Patch 1.20 - Unlock Unicorn (Mainquest failsafe) - Unlock “The dark Eye” - Fixed Entrance Mine of Prem - Fixed Entrance Mine of Upper Orcen - Broken Item Sale fixed - Credits fixed - Reassigned Blacksmith music - Fixed Price inflation for Markets - Recipes fixed - Rondra kris defined as two-handed weapon - Fixed hang in chargen if improving mined or maxed attributes - Fix missing scrollbar on Spells - Fix Skeletons Ranged battle - Orks now bear weapons - Replaced Magic Chainmail at traders with mundone one - Goblins unlocked Patch 1.21 - Unlock Sabretooth tiger - Unlock Mountain lion - Unlock Wood gnome - Fix ration distribution in the Camp - Fix Mine of Prem access - Fix Mine of Upperorcen access - Old Bailey remove unnecessary Dex Check - Fix disappearing stackable items - Fix Tsa Vitality Wonder - Fix Hesinde Wonders - Increase Thorwal performance significantly - Qualitylevel settings improved - Added Dungeon sounds - Added Dungeon icons - Increased travel speed - 3rd Staff Enchantment is now used consistently for climbing checks - Improved hanging Characters in battles - Replaced Loading screens - Sounds for opening and closing chests - Improved Character Weapon representation - Added more Fighting sounds - Made Attribute potions functional (thanks turtle) - Gave music instruments a bonus (thanks turtle) - Gave Robes a basic armor - Fixed Sliders and Scrollbars - Updated UI Framework, for better performance and some bugfixes - included fight message “stuck in armor” Related Torrents
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