Title: Global DJ Broadcast Top 20 January 2016 (With Markus Schulz)Artist: VAYear: 2015Genre: Trance, House, Progressive TranceDuration: 2:29:58Format / Codec: MP3Audio Bitrate: 320 kbpsTrack Listing01. Markus Schulz & Nifra - The Creation (Prague) (Transmission Theme 2015) (7:27)02. Arkham Knights - Knightfall (Original Mix) (07:02)03. M.I.K.E Push vs Rank 1 - Zenith (Original Mix) (08:59)04. Solarstone & Gai Barone - Fata Morgana (Extended Mix) (09:15)05. Genesis - Supernova (07:17)06. New World Punx - Bang (Original Mix) (04:41)07. Sergey Shabanov - Whirlpool (Crystal Design Reface) (06:37)08. Mr. Pit vs Fisherman & Hawkins - Doppelbanger (Original Mix) (07:08)09. Beat Service - In the Moment (Radio Edit) (03:20)10. Danilo Ercole - Format (Original Mix) (07:43)11. Andrew Bayer - Memories (08:29)12. Henrik Zuberstein - Morning Struggle (09:36)13. Mark Sherry & Paul Denton - Hostel (Original Mix) (06:40)14. Luke Terry - Hyperborea (Original Mix) (05:41)15. Sean & Xander - Excursion (Original Mix) (06:23)16. Harry Square - Harran (05:27)17. Maywave - Renegade (07:27)18. Airwave - Lightyears Away from Here (07:37)19. Basil O'Glue - Years of Innocence (07:08)20. Dan Norvan - Phantom (06:57)21. Lemon and Einar K - Anticipation (08:45)