Various Artists — netBloc Vol. 29: Fantastic! Incredible! Stupendous! (2010) (192kbs)

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Added on July 21, 2010 by in Music
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Various Artists — netBloc Vol. 29: Fantastic! Incredible! Stupendous! (2010) (192kbs) (Size: 105.35 MB)
 00 - Book.pdf21.06 MB
 00 - cover.jpg223.25 KB
 01 - Emerald Park - The Commonfield.mp37.87 MB
 02 - Rare & Cheese - Jazz Police.mp35.37 MB
 03 - Mach FoX - A Void (Edit).mp37.57 MB
 04 - Anitek - Teknical Development.mp34.88 MB
 05 - Henrik Jose - Pinpointing The Problem.mp37.88 MB
 06 - Robin Grey - Ninety Days.mp35.93 MB
 07 - Allison Crowe - Spiral.mp36.15 MB
 08 - Crookram - I Saw You.mp39.15 MB
 Distributed by Mininova.txt291 bytes


We're back with another one for you... number 29 in our excellent, genre-busting netBloc series! For this one we pulled together netaudio from Canada, France, Hungary, Minneapolis, The Netherlands, New Jersey, Richmond, Sweden and the UK. What you'll find is nothing less than back to back gems. As always, this netBloc release is designed to both introduce the newbie to the netaudio scene and to provide a quick way for netaudio listeners to catch up on what's new. In addition to the worldwide goodies released by others, we've also got a sneak peak at what blocSonic and Just Plain Sounds has in store for you Tuesday, July 27th - our next original release, in partnership with Just Plain Sounds, Just Plain Ant's "Rumble, Young Man, Rumble"!

So thanks again for keeping up with all that we have to offer! Also, extra special thanks to all participating artists & labels!

Remember to keep the music movin'... share it... podcast it... broadcast it!


Mike Gregoire


Want high-resolution album art, liner-notes or lossless FLAC audio? Check out the blocSonic release page!

About blocSonic

For the past decade an alternative culture of music has been sprouting up outside the wastelands of the increasingly formulaic and compartmentalized mainstream music business. This world of "Netaudio" is generally released freely, either independently or through Netlabels. As this culture continues to grow, the amount of available music grows exponentially making it increasingly difficult for folks who are new to the culture to filter the good from the bad. Each of our free releases, in one way or another, are an attempt to shine the spotlight on what we think is the best of what this world has to offer.

Consider blocSonic a filter through which you can discover this vibrant, global culture! Currently there are three ways which we spotlight what the netaudio world has to offer:


During our travels through the wide-world of netaudio culture, we find artists who stand out and who we feel would be perfect to spotlight independently in original blocSonic album releases. Each Original features:

Available in a choice of three high-quality audio formats — Lossless FLAC, 320kbs MP3 and 192kbs MP3.

Complete album art is available in three formats — EPS, PDF and TIF.

40+ page PDF booklet with complete liner-notes, lyrics, photos and album credits.

Xtended Editions

Each of our Xtended Edition (XE) series is essentially a re-release. A re-release of an album that blocSonic found to be an exceptional example of the quality that the netaudio world is capable of producing. These re-releases contain the original album as well as at least a bonus disc worth of material (remixes, demos, outtakes, new material and/or other unreleased material). They also feature fresh album art and as with all our releases an extensive PDF booklet. Each Xtended Edition features:

At least 1 disc worth of bonus material

Available in a choice of three high-quality audio formats — Lossless FLAC, 320kbs MP3 and 192kbs MP3.

Complete new album art is available in three formats — EPS, PDF and TIF.

40+ page PDF booklet with complete liner-notes, lyrics, photos and album credits.


Each of these eclectic releases shine a spotlight on ten or so international audio gems culled from the Netaudio culture. Each netBloc features:

Available in a choice of three high-quality audio formats — Lossless FLAC, 320kbs MP3 and 192kbs MP3.

Complete album art is available in three formats — EPS, PDF and TIF.

30+ page PDF booklet with complete liner-notes, track credits and artist photos.


These special collections feature Creative Commons licensed tracks that for one reason or another blocSonic couldn't acquire official permission to use but find them worthy of extra attention. Since no formal permission has been acquired, links to the original files are provided rather than compiling them into a proper release. However, a cover and a tracklisting is provided in order for you to burn them to disc, if you'd like.

Why do we do what we do? We love music, we love netaudio and have found that the quality and variety of what’s coming out of this culture is superior to that of much of what’s coming out of the mainstream music industry. We feel more secure donating to netaudio artists/labels then we do purchasing formulaic music-product from the majors. We’d like you to also feel that way toward the netaudio culture. We realize that most people don’t have the time and/or patience to filter through it all to find the good stuff, so we invest the time to find the gems in the ruff and deliver them to you in our releases.

In between releases, you can also look forward to blog posts about netaudio news or topics relating to DRM and online music.

So subscribe to our feed and discover great new openly-licensed music every month. Be sure to spread the word!

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105.35 MB
Various Artists — netBloc Vol. 29: Fantastic! Incredible! Stupendous! (2010) (192kbs)