| | VoidExpanse.exe | 14.94 MB |
| | steam_api.dll | 183.19 KB |
| | Vex.sfv | 156.91 KB |
| | .launch_args | 33 bytes |
| | version.txt | 8 bytes |
| | Steam | 0 bytes |
| | core.cpk | 257.7 MB |
| | VoidExpanse.Server.exe | 1.39 MB |
| | Newtonsoft.Json.dll | 418.5 KB |
| | Jurassic.dll | 344 KB |
| | FarseerPhysics.dll | 334.5 KB |
| | SharpCompress.dll | 247 KB |
| | Lidgren.Network.dll | 118 KB |
| | servericon.png | 42.22 KB |
| | VoidExpanse.ServerMono.exe | 1.11 MB |
| | Newtonsoft.Json.dll | 418.5 KB |
| | Jurassic.dll | 344 KB |
| | FarseerPhysics.dll | 334.5 KB |
| | SharpCompress.dll | 247 KB |
| | Lidgren.Network.dll | 118 KB |
| | servericon.png | 42.22 KB |
| | Noesis | 14 MB |
| | Noesis.meta | 175 bytes |
| | macos.meta | 191 bytes |
| | contents.meta | 191 bytes |
| | CSteamworks | 387.66 KB |
| | libsteam_api.dylib | 153.34 KB |
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| | CSteamworks.meta | 182 bytes |
| | info.plist | 1.08 KB |
| | Info.plist.meta | 182 bytes |
| | macos.meta | 157 bytes |
| | contents.meta | 157 bytes |
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| | TextureLoadingPlugin.meta | 182 bytes |
| | info.plist | 1.68 KB |
| | Info.plist.meta | 182 bytes |
| | macos.meta | 157 bytes |
| | contents.meta | 157 bytes |
| | NoesisUnityRenderHook | 24.7 KB |
| | NoesisUnityRenderHook.meta | 90 bytes |
| | macos.meta | 191 bytes |
| | contents.meta | 191 bytes |
| | Noesis.dll | 4.11 MB |
| | steam_api64.dll | 203.41 KB |
| | steam_api.dll | 183.19 KB |
| | libCSteamworks.so | 180.32 KB |
| | TextureLoadingPlugin.dll | 166.5 KB |
| | CSteamworks.dll | 123.5 KB |
| | libTextureLoadingPlugin.so | 81.4 KB |
| | libsteam_api.so | 73.58 KB |
| | NoesisUnityRenderHook.dll | 52 KB |
| | mscorlib.dll | 2.47 MB |
| | SYSTEM.dll | 1.6 MB |
| | System.Xml.dll | 1.21 MB |
| | NoesisGUI.dll | 1.1 MB |
| | Assembly-CSharp.dll | 1012 KB |
| | UnityEngine.dll | 668.5 KB |
| | FarseerPhysics.dll | 334.5 KB |
| | System.Core.dll | 292 KB |
| | AtomicTorch.SpaceRPG.Common.dll | 290 KB |
| | Mono.Security.dll | 287.5 KB |
| | Compat.browser | 1.57 KB |
| | DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx | 59.04 KB |
| | MACHINE.config | 26.98 KB |
| | WEB.config | 11.41 KB |
| | settings.map | 2.56 KB |
| | DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx | 56.83 KB |
| | MACHINE.config | 16.85 KB |
| | config.xml | 25.21 KB |
| | BROWSCAP.ini | 304.67 KB |
| | config | 1.65 KB |
| | mono.dll | 2.01 MB |
| | GalaxyMapBg.jpg.dx9.nsb | 2 MB |
| | inventory_hull_bg.png.dx9.nsb | 256.19 KB |
| | icon_engine01.png.dx9.nsb | 4.19 KB |
| | icon02.png.dx9.nsb | 4.19 KB |
| | radar_grid.png.dx9.nsb | 256.19 KB |
| | skilltree_back_tiled.png.dx9.nsb | 32.19 KB |
| | skill_unknown01.png.dx9.nsb | 706 bytes |
| | void_expanse_logo02.png.dx9.nsb | 256.19 KB |
| | atomictorch_logo_512x512.png.dx9.nsb | 256.19 KB |
| | UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf.nsb | 200.93 KB |
| | Roboto-Regular.ttf.nsb | 141.95 KB |
| | Roboto-Light.ttf.nsb | 136.97 KB |
| | Roboto-Bold.ttf.nsb | 133.07 KB |
| | EurostileOT-MediumToRegular.ttf.nsb | 94.3 KB |
| | EurostileOT-Bold.ttf.nsb | 93.04 KB |
| | Orbitron Bold.ttf.nsb | 50.68 KB |
| | Orbitron Medium.ttf.nsb | 47.6 KB |
| | Eurostile OT.nsf | 43 bytes |
| | Ubuntu Mono.nsf | 34 bytes |
| | RadarControl.xaml.nsb | 15.52 KB |
| | RadarArrowOutside.xaml.nsb | 2.59 KB |
| | RadarAreaControl.xaml.nsb | 1.88 KB |
| | PlayerShipRadarMarkControl.xaml.nsb | 1.83 KB |
| | FuelDisplay.xaml.nsb | 5.3 KB |
| | RadiationDisplay.xaml.nsb | 1.19 KB |
| | NotificationControl.xaml.nsb | 5.08 KB |
| | NotificationAchievementControl.xaml.nsb | 2.9 KB |
| | NotificationsPanelControl.xaml.nsb | 1.11 KB |
| | HUDControl.xaml.nsb | 33.91 KB |
| | SpaceObjectTargetMarkDisplay.xaml.nsb | 19.96 KB |
| | HUDItemsBar.xaml.nsb | 11.69 KB |
| | WeaponInfo.xaml.nsb | 9.43 KB |
| | WeaponCursor.xaml.nsb | 6.62 KB |
| | SpaceObjectTargetHUDInfoDisplay.xaml.nsb | 5.44 KB |
| | HUDMenuIconsBar.xaml.nsb | 5.26 KB |
| | HUDMessage.xaml.nsb | 2.96 KB |
| | SpaceObjectStatsDisplay.xaml.nsb | 2.67 KB |
| | VersionNotice.xaml.nsb | 2.47 KB |
| | SkillIconControl.xaml.nsb | 10.84 KB |
| | SkillIconTooltip.xaml.nsb | 4.99 KB |
| | SkillLinkControl.xaml.nsb | 3.02 KB |
| | FinalCacheDisplayControl.xaml.nsb | 1.62 KB |
| | RpgWindow.xaml.nsb | 7.43 KB |
| | SkillTreeControl.xaml.nsb | 1.08 KB |
| | ItemSlotTooltipControl.xaml.nsb | 10.11 KB |
| | ItemAmountSelectionWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.29 KB |
| | WeaponSlotControl.xaml.nsb | 2.94 KB |
| | ItemComparisonTooltipControl.xaml.nsb | 2.76 KB |
| | ItemSlotWithLabelControl.xaml.nsb | 2.67 KB |
| | ItemAmountSelection.xaml.nsb | 2.29 KB |
| | ConsumableItemSlotControl.xaml.nsb | 2.15 KB |
| | LabelWithBullet.xaml.nsb | 1.85 KB |
| | EquipmentItemSlotControl.xaml.nsb | 1.8 KB |
| | WeaponSlotInformation.xaml.nsb | 1.47 KB |
| | DragDropControl.xaml.nsb | 1.34 KB |
| | PlayerInventoryShipStatsControl.xaml.nsb | 10.07 KB |
| | PlayerInventoryControl.xaml.nsb | 8.96 KB |
| | ControlsSchemeToggle.xaml.nsb | 7.51 KB |
| | ContainerExchangeWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.65 KB |
| | CargoListControl.xaml.nsb | 1.89 KB |
| | ItemsListControl.xaml.nsb | 1.82 KB |
| | ItemDestroyAndDiscardControl.xaml.nsb | 1.13 KB |
| | StarTooltipControl.xaml.nsb | 9.75 KB |
| | StarControl.xaml.nsb | 7.56 KB |
| | StarLinkControl.xaml.nsb | 2.76 KB |
| | NavPointDescriptionLine.xaml.nsb | 2.38 KB |
| | QuestDescriptionLine.xaml.nsb | 1.61 KB |
| | StarSystemDescriptionLine.xaml.nsb | 1.34 KB |
| | GalaxyMapControl.xaml.nsb | 3.24 KB |
| | SystemMapControl.xaml.nsb | 6.76 KB |
| | PlayerShipMapMarkControl.xaml.nsb | 1.48 KB |
| | NpcDialogWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.92 KB |
| | NpcDialogLogEntryPlayer.xaml.nsb | 3.57 KB |
| | NpcDialogLogEntry.xaml.nsb | 3.51 KB |
| | NpcDialogTopicButton.xaml.nsb | 1.65 KB |
| | NpcDialogButton.xaml.nsb | 1.64 KB |
| | NpcDialogCategory.xaml.nsb | 1004 bytes |
| | CharacterCreationWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.79 KB |
| | CharacterSexSelector.xaml.nsb | 5.74 KB |
| | CharacterAvatarParameterSelector.xaml.nsb | 2.46 KB |
| | JournalCategoryButton.xaml.nsb | 5.63 KB |
| | JournalQuestEntry.xaml.nsb | 5.13 KB |
| | JournalControl.xaml.nsb | 4.23 KB |
| | JournalLogEntry.xaml.nsb | 3.09 KB |
| | FactionIcon.xaml.nsb | 5.6 KB |
| | PlayerIcon.xaml.nsb | 5.55 KB |
| | InfoWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.3 KB |
| | RelationsControl.xaml.nsb | 2.43 KB |
| | RelationsMeter.xaml.nsb | 2.05 KB |
| | RelationMeterInfo.xaml.nsb | 1.74 KB |
| | RelationsLine.xaml.nsb | 993 bytes |
| | OverviewControl.xaml.nsb | 5.13 KB |
| | ShopControl.xaml.nsb | 5 KB |
| | ShopCategoryControl.xaml.nsb | 4.4 KB |
| | ShopCategoriesListControl.xaml.nsb | 635 bytes |
| | CanteenAreaControl.xaml.nsb | 3.86 KB |
| | CanteenCharacterAvatarControl.xaml.nsb | 3.16 KB |
| | CanteenControl.xaml.nsb | 747 bytes |
| | LoadingSplashScreen.xaml.nsb | 4.95 KB |
| | LoadingDisplayControl.xaml.nsb | 4.66 KB |
| | OnlineUsersListWindow.xaml.nsb | 4.06 KB |
| | PlayerShipRespawnedWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.47 KB |
| | TutorialWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.25 KB |
| | UpdateAvailableDialogWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.77 KB |
| | WorldCreationProgressWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.69 KB |
| | ConnectionDroppedWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.23 KB |
| | GameOverWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.21 KB |
| | LocalServerFatalErrorWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.14 KB |
| | ModsMenuWindowResources.xaml.nsb | 21.91 KB |
| | HUDIcons.xaml.nsb | 18.51 KB |
| | MultiplayerWindowResources.xaml.nsb | 17.43 KB |
| | LanguageSelectionResources.xaml.nsb | 1.38 KB |
| | MultiplayerMenuWindow.xaml.nsb | 9.03 KB |
| | AddOrEditServerWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.81 KB |
| | SpaceStationWindow.xaml.nsb | 7.23 KB |
| | CreateWorldWindow.xaml.nsb | 6.2 KB |
| | LoadGameWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.52 KB |
| | SingleplayerSlideMenu.xaml.nsb | 1.69 KB |
| | SteamAuthWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.85 KB |
| | MasterServerLoginWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.74 KB |
| | CreateUsernameWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.83 KB |
| | PlayerMenuWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.05 KB |
| | InGameMenuWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.5 KB |
| | OptionsWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.5 KB |
| | AnySettings.xaml.nsb | 2.33 KB |
| | OptionSlider.xaml.nsb | 1.88 KB |
| | OptionKeyBinder.xaml.nsb | 1.81 KB |
| | OptionCombobox.xaml.nsb | 1.43 KB |
| | KeyBinderDialog.xaml.nsb | 1.26 KB |
| | OptionCheckbox.xaml.nsb | 970 bytes |
| | ModsMenuWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.08 KB |
| | ExtrasSlideMenu.xaml.nsb | 2.38 KB |
| | UpcomingFeatures.xaml.nsb | 2.18 KB |
| | CreditsWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.16 KB |
| | MainMenu.xaml.nsb | 6.37 KB |
| | GameEndScreen.xaml.nsb | 6.03 KB |
| | AtomicTorchLogoControl.xaml.nsb | 5.37 KB |
| | PaperCanvasControl.xaml.nsb | 3.06 KB |
| | BackgroundOverlay.xaml.nsb | 2.43 KB |
| | Generic.xaml.nsb | 2.29 KB |
| | GameTheme.xaml.nsb | 247.76 KB |
| | ConsoleWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.53 KB |
| | Logo.xaml.nsb | 1.08 KB |
| | Loader.xaml.nsb | 1.06 KB |
| | Resources.xaml.nsb | 644 bytes |
| | GalaxyMapBg.jpg.gl.nsb | 2 MB |
| | radar_grid.png.gl.nsb | 256.15 KB |
| | inventory_hull_bg.png.gl.nsb | 256.15 KB |
| | icon02.png.gl.nsb | 4.15 KB |
| | icon_engine01.png.gl.nsb | 4.15 KB |
| | skilltree_back_tiled.png.gl.nsb | 32.15 KB |
| | skill_unknown01.png.gl.nsb | 664 bytes |
| | atomictorch_logo_512x512.png.gl.nsb | 256.15 KB |
| | void_expanse_logo02.png.gl.nsb | 256.15 KB |
| | UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf.nsb | 200.93 KB |
| | Roboto-Regular.ttf.nsb | 141.95 KB |
| | Roboto-Light.ttf.nsb | 136.97 KB |
| | Roboto-Bold.ttf.nsb | 133.07 KB |
| | EurostileOT-MediumToRegular.ttf.nsb | 94.3 KB |
| | EurostileOT-Bold.ttf.nsb | 93.04 KB |
| | Orbitron Bold.ttf.nsb | 50.68 KB |
| | Orbitron Medium.ttf.nsb | 47.6 KB |
| | Eurostile OT.nsf | 43 bytes |
| | Ubuntu Mono.nsf | 34 bytes |
| | RadarControl.xaml.nsb | 15.52 KB |
| | RadarArrowOutside.xaml.nsb | 2.59 KB |
| | RadarAreaControl.xaml.nsb | 1.88 KB |
| | PlayerShipRadarMarkControl.xaml.nsb | 1.83 KB |
| | FuelDisplay.xaml.nsb | 5.3 KB |
| | RadiationDisplay.xaml.nsb | 1.19 KB |
| | NotificationControl.xaml.nsb | 5.08 KB |
| | NotificationAchievementControl.xaml.nsb | 2.9 KB |
| | NotificationsPanelControl.xaml.nsb | 1.11 KB |
| | HUDControl.xaml.nsb | 33.91 KB |
| | SpaceObjectTargetMarkDisplay.xaml.nsb | 19.96 KB |
| | HUDItemsBar.xaml.nsb | 11.69 KB |
| | WeaponInfo.xaml.nsb | 9.43 KB |
| | WeaponCursor.xaml.nsb | 6.62 KB |
| | SpaceObjectTargetHUDInfoDisplay.xaml.nsb | 5.44 KB |
| | HUDMenuIconsBar.xaml.nsb | 5.26 KB |
| | HUDMessage.xaml.nsb | 2.96 KB |
| | SpaceObjectStatsDisplay.xaml.nsb | 2.67 KB |
| | VersionNotice.xaml.nsb | 2.47 KB |
| | SkillIconControl.xaml.nsb | 10.84 KB |
| | SkillIconTooltip.xaml.nsb | 4.99 KB |
| | SkillLinkControl.xaml.nsb | 3.02 KB |
| | FinalCacheDisplayControl.xaml.nsb | 1.62 KB |
| | RpgWindow.xaml.nsb | 7.43 KB |
| | SkillTreeControl.xaml.nsb | 1.08 KB |
| | ItemSlotTooltipControl.xaml.nsb | 10.11 KB |
| | ItemAmountSelectionWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.29 KB |
| | WeaponSlotControl.xaml.nsb | 2.94 KB |
| | ItemComparisonTooltipControl.xaml.nsb | 2.76 KB |
| | ItemSlotWithLabelControl.xaml.nsb | 2.67 KB |
| | ItemAmountSelection.xaml.nsb | 2.29 KB |
| | ConsumableItemSlotControl.xaml.nsb | 2.15 KB |
| | LabelWithBullet.xaml.nsb | 1.85 KB |
| | EquipmentItemSlotControl.xaml.nsb | 1.8 KB |
| | WeaponSlotInformation.xaml.nsb | 1.47 KB |
| | DragDropControl.xaml.nsb | 1.34 KB |
| | PlayerInventoryShipStatsControl.xaml.nsb | 10.07 KB |
| | PlayerInventoryControl.xaml.nsb | 8.96 KB |
| | ControlsSchemeToggle.xaml.nsb | 7.51 KB |
| | ContainerExchangeWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.65 KB |
| | CargoListControl.xaml.nsb | 1.89 KB |
| | ItemsListControl.xaml.nsb | 1.82 KB |
| | ItemDestroyAndDiscardControl.xaml.nsb | 1.13 KB |
| | StarTooltipControl.xaml.nsb | 9.75 KB |
| | StarControl.xaml.nsb | 7.56 KB |
| | StarLinkControl.xaml.nsb | 2.76 KB |
| | NavPointDescriptionLine.xaml.nsb | 2.38 KB |
| | QuestDescriptionLine.xaml.nsb | 1.61 KB |
| | StarSystemDescriptionLine.xaml.nsb | 1.34 KB |
| | GalaxyMapControl.xaml.nsb | 3.24 KB |
| | SystemMapControl.xaml.nsb | 6.76 KB |
| | PlayerShipMapMarkControl.xaml.nsb | 1.48 KB |
| | NpcDialogWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.92 KB |
| | NpcDialogLogEntryPlayer.xaml.nsb | 3.57 KB |
| | NpcDialogLogEntry.xaml.nsb | 3.51 KB |
| | NpcDialogTopicButton.xaml.nsb | 1.65 KB |
| | NpcDialogButton.xaml.nsb | 1.64 KB |
| | NpcDialogCategory.xaml.nsb | 1004 bytes |
| | CharacterCreationWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.79 KB |
| | CharacterSexSelector.xaml.nsb | 5.74 KB |
| | CharacterAvatarParameterSelector.xaml.nsb | 2.46 KB |
| | JournalCategoryButton.xaml.nsb | 5.63 KB |
| | JournalQuestEntry.xaml.nsb | 5.13 KB |
| | JournalControl.xaml.nsb | 4.23 KB |
| | JournalLogEntry.xaml.nsb | 3.09 KB |
| | FactionIcon.xaml.nsb | 5.6 KB |
| | PlayerIcon.xaml.nsb | 5.55 KB |
| | InfoWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.3 KB |
| | RelationsControl.xaml.nsb | 2.43 KB |
| | RelationsMeter.xaml.nsb | 2.05 KB |
| | RelationMeterInfo.xaml.nsb | 1.74 KB |
| | RelationsLine.xaml.nsb | 993 bytes |
| | OverviewControl.xaml.nsb | 5.13 KB |
| | ShopControl.xaml.nsb | 5 KB |
| | ShopCategoryControl.xaml.nsb | 4.4 KB |
| | ShopCategoriesListControl.xaml.nsb | 635 bytes |
| | CanteenAreaControl.xaml.nsb | 3.86 KB |
| | CanteenCharacterAvatarControl.xaml.nsb | 3.16 KB |
| | CanteenControl.xaml.nsb | 747 bytes |
| | LoadingSplashScreen.xaml.nsb | 4.95 KB |
| | LoadingDisplayControl.xaml.nsb | 4.66 KB |
| | OnlineUsersListWindow.xaml.nsb | 4.06 KB |
| | PlayerShipRespawnedWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.47 KB |
| | TutorialWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.25 KB |
| | UpdateAvailableDialogWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.77 KB |
| | WorldCreationProgressWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.69 KB |
| | ConnectionDroppedWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.23 KB |
| | GameOverWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.21 KB |
| | LocalServerFatalErrorWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.14 KB |
| | ModsMenuWindowResources.xaml.nsb | 21.91 KB |
| | HUDIcons.xaml.nsb | 18.51 KB |
| | MultiplayerWindowResources.xaml.nsb | 17.43 KB |
| | LanguageSelectionResources.xaml.nsb | 1.38 KB |
| | MultiplayerMenuWindow.xaml.nsb | 9.03 KB |
| | AddOrEditServerWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.81 KB |
| | SpaceStationWindow.xaml.nsb | 7.23 KB |
| | CreateWorldWindow.xaml.nsb | 6.2 KB |
| | LoadGameWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.52 KB |
| | SingleplayerSlideMenu.xaml.nsb | 1.69 KB |
| | SteamAuthWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.85 KB |
| | MasterServerLoginWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.74 KB |
| | CreateUsernameWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.83 KB |
| | PlayerMenuWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.05 KB |
| | InGameMenuWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.5 KB |
| | OptionsWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.5 KB |
| | AnySettings.xaml.nsb | 2.33 KB |
| | OptionSlider.xaml.nsb | 1.88 KB |
| | OptionKeyBinder.xaml.nsb | 1.81 KB |
| | OptionCombobox.xaml.nsb | 1.43 KB |
| | KeyBinderDialog.xaml.nsb | 1.26 KB |
| | OptionCheckbox.xaml.nsb | 970 bytes |
| | ModsMenuWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.08 KB |
| | ExtrasSlideMenu.xaml.nsb | 2.38 KB |
| | UpcomingFeatures.xaml.nsb | 2.18 KB |
| | CreditsWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.16 KB |
| | MainMenu.xaml.nsb | 6.37 KB |
| | GameEndScreen.xaml.nsb | 6.03 KB |
| | AtomicTorchLogoControl.xaml.nsb | 5.37 KB |
| | PaperCanvasControl.xaml.nsb | 3.06 KB |
| | BackgroundOverlay.xaml.nsb | 2.43 KB |
| | Generic.xaml.nsb | 2.29 KB |
| | GameTheme.xaml.nsb | 247.76 KB |
| | ConsoleWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.53 KB |
| | Logo.xaml.nsb | 1.08 KB |
| | Loader.xaml.nsb | 1.06 KB |
| | Resources.xaml.nsb | 644 bytes |
| | GalaxyMapBg.jpg.dx11.nsb | 2 MB |
| | inventory_hull_bg.png.dx11.nsb | 256.12 KB |
| | icon_engine01.png.dx11.nsb | 4.12 KB |
| | icon02.png.dx11.nsb | 4.12 KB |
| | radar_grid.png.dx11.nsb | 256.12 KB |
| | skilltree_back_tiled.png.dx11.nsb | 32.12 KB |
| | skill_unknown01.png.dx11.nsb | 634 bytes |
| | atomictorch_logo_512x512.png.dx11.nsb | 256.12 KB |
| | void_expanse_logo02.png.dx11.nsb | 256.12 KB |
| | UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf.nsb | 200.93 KB |
| | Roboto-Regular.ttf.nsb | 141.95 KB |
| | Roboto-Light.ttf.nsb | 136.97 KB |
| | Roboto-Bold.ttf.nsb | 133.07 KB |
| | EurostileOT-MediumToRegular.ttf.nsb | 94.3 KB |
| | EurostileOT-Bold.ttf.nsb | 93.04 KB |
| | Orbitron Bold.ttf.nsb | 50.68 KB |
| | Orbitron Medium.ttf.nsb | 47.6 KB |
| | Eurostile OT.nsf | 43 bytes |
| | Ubuntu Mono.nsf | 34 bytes |
| | RadarControl.xaml.nsb | 15.52 KB |
| | RadarArrowOutside.xaml.nsb | 2.59 KB |
| | RadarAreaControl.xaml.nsb | 1.88 KB |
| | PlayerShipRadarMarkControl.xaml.nsb | 1.83 KB |
| | FuelDisplay.xaml.nsb | 5.3 KB |
| | RadiationDisplay.xaml.nsb | 1.19 KB |
| | NotificationControl.xaml.nsb | 5.08 KB |
| | NotificationAchievementControl.xaml.nsb | 2.9 KB |
| | NotificationsPanelControl.xaml.nsb | 1.11 KB |
| | HUDControl.xaml.nsb | 33.91 KB |
| | SpaceObjectTargetMarkDisplay.xaml.nsb | 19.96 KB |
| | HUDItemsBar.xaml.nsb | 11.69 KB |
| | WeaponInfo.xaml.nsb | 9.43 KB |
| | WeaponCursor.xaml.nsb | 6.62 KB |
| | SpaceObjectTargetHUDInfoDisplay.xaml.nsb | 5.44 KB |
| | HUDMenuIconsBar.xaml.nsb | 5.26 KB |
| | HUDMessage.xaml.nsb | 2.96 KB |
| | SpaceObjectStatsDisplay.xaml.nsb | 2.67 KB |
| | VersionNotice.xaml.nsb | 2.47 KB |
| | SkillIconControl.xaml.nsb | 10.84 KB |
| | SkillIconTooltip.xaml.nsb | 4.99 KB |
| | SkillLinkControl.xaml.nsb | 3.02 KB |
| | FinalCacheDisplayControl.xaml.nsb | 1.62 KB |
| | RpgWindow.xaml.nsb | 7.43 KB |
| | SkillTreeControl.xaml.nsb | 1.08 KB |
| | ItemSlotTooltipControl.xaml.nsb | 10.11 KB |
| | ItemAmountSelectionWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.29 KB |
| | WeaponSlotControl.xaml.nsb | 2.94 KB |
| | ItemComparisonTooltipControl.xaml.nsb | 2.76 KB |
| | ItemSlotWithLabelControl.xaml.nsb | 2.67 KB |
| | ItemAmountSelection.xaml.nsb | 2.29 KB |
| | ConsumableItemSlotControl.xaml.nsb | 2.15 KB |
| | LabelWithBullet.xaml.nsb | 1.85 KB |
| | EquipmentItemSlotControl.xaml.nsb | 1.8 KB |
| | WeaponSlotInformation.xaml.nsb | 1.47 KB |
| | DragDropControl.xaml.nsb | 1.34 KB |
| | PlayerInventoryShipStatsControl.xaml.nsb | 10.07 KB |
| | PlayerInventoryControl.xaml.nsb | 8.96 KB |
| | ControlsSchemeToggle.xaml.nsb | 7.51 KB |
| | ContainerExchangeWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.65 KB |
| | CargoListControl.xaml.nsb | 1.89 KB |
| | ItemsListControl.xaml.nsb | 1.82 KB |
| | ItemDestroyAndDiscardControl.xaml.nsb | 1.13 KB |
| | StarTooltipControl.xaml.nsb | 9.75 KB |
| | StarControl.xaml.nsb | 7.56 KB |
| | StarLinkControl.xaml.nsb | 2.76 KB |
| | NavPointDescriptionLine.xaml.nsb | 2.38 KB |
| | QuestDescriptionLine.xaml.nsb | 1.61 KB |
| | StarSystemDescriptionLine.xaml.nsb | 1.34 KB |
| | GalaxyMapControl.xaml.nsb | 3.24 KB |
| | SystemMapControl.xaml.nsb | 6.76 KB |
| | PlayerShipMapMarkControl.xaml.nsb | 1.48 KB |
| | NpcDialogWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.92 KB |
| | NpcDialogLogEntryPlayer.xaml.nsb | 3.57 KB |
| | NpcDialogLogEntry.xaml.nsb | 3.51 KB |
| | NpcDialogTopicButton.xaml.nsb | 1.65 KB |
| | NpcDialogButton.xaml.nsb | 1.64 KB |
| | NpcDialogCategory.xaml.nsb | 1004 bytes |
| | CharacterCreationWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.79 KB |
| | CharacterSexSelector.xaml.nsb | 5.74 KB |
| | CharacterAvatarParameterSelector.xaml.nsb | 2.46 KB |
| | JournalCategoryButton.xaml.nsb | 5.63 KB |
| | JournalQuestEntry.xaml.nsb | 5.13 KB |
| | JournalControl.xaml.nsb | 4.23 KB |
| | JournalLogEntry.xaml.nsb | 3.09 KB |
| | FactionIcon.xaml.nsb | 5.6 KB |
| | PlayerIcon.xaml.nsb | 5.55 KB |
| | InfoWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.3 KB |
| | RelationsControl.xaml.nsb | 2.43 KB |
| | RelationsMeter.xaml.nsb | 2.05 KB |
| | RelationMeterInfo.xaml.nsb | 1.74 KB |
| | RelationsLine.xaml.nsb | 993 bytes |
| | OverviewControl.xaml.nsb | 5.13 KB |
| | ShopControl.xaml.nsb | 5 KB |
| | ShopCategoryControl.xaml.nsb | 4.4 KB |
| | ShopCategoriesListControl.xaml.nsb | 635 bytes |
| | CanteenAreaControl.xaml.nsb | 3.86 KB |
| | CanteenCharacterAvatarControl.xaml.nsb | 3.16 KB |
| | CanteenControl.xaml.nsb | 747 bytes |
| | LoadingSplashScreen.xaml.nsb | 4.95 KB |
| | LoadingDisplayControl.xaml.nsb | 4.66 KB |
| | OnlineUsersListWindow.xaml.nsb | 4.06 KB |
| | PlayerShipRespawnedWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.47 KB |
| | TutorialWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.25 KB |
| | UpdateAvailableDialogWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.77 KB |
| | WorldCreationProgressWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.69 KB |
| | ConnectionDroppedWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.23 KB |
| | GameOverWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.21 KB |
| | LocalServerFatalErrorWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.14 KB |
| | ModsMenuWindowResources.xaml.nsb | 21.91 KB |
| | HUDIcons.xaml.nsb | 18.51 KB |
| | MultiplayerWindowResources.xaml.nsb | 17.43 KB |
| | LanguageSelectionResources.xaml.nsb | 1.38 KB |
| | MultiplayerMenuWindow.xaml.nsb | 9.03 KB |
| | AddOrEditServerWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.81 KB |
| | SpaceStationWindow.xaml.nsb | 7.23 KB |
| | CreateWorldWindow.xaml.nsb | 6.2 KB |
| | LoadGameWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.52 KB |
| | SingleplayerSlideMenu.xaml.nsb | 1.69 KB |
| | SteamAuthWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.85 KB |
| | MasterServerLoginWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.74 KB |
| | CreateUsernameWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.83 KB |
| | PlayerMenuWindow.xaml.nsb | 5.05 KB |
| | InGameMenuWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.5 KB |
| | OptionsWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.5 KB |
| | AnySettings.xaml.nsb | 2.33 KB |
| | OptionSlider.xaml.nsb | 1.88 KB |
| | OptionKeyBinder.xaml.nsb | 1.81 KB |
| | OptionCombobox.xaml.nsb | 1.43 KB |
| | KeyBinderDialog.xaml.nsb | 1.26 KB |
| | OptionCheckbox.xaml.nsb | 970 bytes |
| | ModsMenuWindow.xaml.nsb | 3.08 KB |
| | ExtrasSlideMenu.xaml.nsb | 2.38 KB |
| | UpcomingFeatures.xaml.nsb | 2.18 KB |
| | CreditsWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.16 KB |
| | MainMenu.xaml.nsb | 6.37 KB |
| | GameEndScreen.xaml.nsb | 6.03 KB |
| | AtomicTorchLogoControl.xaml.nsb | 5.37 KB |
| | PaperCanvasControl.xaml.nsb | 3.06 KB |
| | BackgroundOverlay.xaml.nsb | 2.43 KB |
| | Generic.xaml.nsb | 2.29 KB |
| | GameTheme.xaml.nsb | 247.76 KB |
| | ConsoleWindow.xaml.nsb | 2.53 KB |
| | Logo.xaml.nsb | 1.08 KB |
| | Loader.xaml.nsb | 1.06 KB |
| | Resources.xaml.nsb | 644 bytes |
| | unity default resources | 1.85 MB |
| | unity_builtin_extra | 1.35 MB |
| | sharedassets1.assets | 10.96 MB |
| | Resources.assets | 3.46 MB |
| | sharedassets0.assets | 1.43 MB |
| | MAINDATA | 83.73 KB |
| | output_log.txt | 11.55 KB |
| | sharedassets2.assets | 8.01 KB |
| | LEVEL1 | 4.68 KB |
| | level0 | 4.68 KB |
| | dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe | 41.01 MB |
| | InstallScript.vdf | 634 bytes |
| | Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile.cmd | 133 bytes |
| | vcredist_x64.exe | 6.85 MB |
| | vcredist_x86.exe | 6.25 MB |
| | InstallScript.vdf | 909 bytes |
| | Apr2006_MDX1_x86_Archive.cab | 3.97 MB |
| | Aug2009_d3dcsx_42_x86.cab | 3.17 MB |
| | Aug2009_d3dcsx_42_x64.cab | 2.97 MB |
| | Mar2009_d3dx9_41_x64.cab | 1.88 MB |
| | Nov2008_d3dx9_40_x64.cab | 1.82 MB |
| | Nov2007_d3dx9_36_x64.cab | 1.72 MB |
| | AUG2007_d3dx9_35_x64.cab | 1.72 MB |
| | Aug2008_d3dx9_39_x64.cab | 1.71 MB |
| | Jun2008_d3dx9_38_x64.cab | 1.71 MB |
| | Mar2008_d3dx9_37_x64.cab | 1.69 MB |
My simple answer is just wait for crack and the game is ready already...