Warcraft III Reign of Chaos & The Frozen Throne 1.26a with Dota and RGC (Size: 1.26 GB)
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| | chat-highlight.wav | 137.86 KB |
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| | qjpeg.dll | 241 KB |
| | qtaudio_windows.dll | 81 KB |
| | wc3tft.dll | 155 KB |
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| | ObjectManager.html | 1.93 KB |
| | intro.html | 2.03 KB |
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| | SoundEditor.html | 5.21 KB |
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| | Nav_34.jpg | 73.84 KB |
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| | (Mac)Addendum.html | 4.65 KB |
| | (Mac)PatchUninstall.html | 4.67 KB |
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| | (Mac)ReadMeMenu.html | 4.74 KB |
| | (Mac)Start.html | 5.05 KB |
| | (PC)Addendum.html | 5.27 KB |
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| | (PC)BNetMenu.html | 3.64 KB |
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| | (PC)BNetTroubleshooting.html | 13.15 KB |
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| | (PC)InstallUninstall.html | 10.57 KB |
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| | config.exe | 22.36 MB |
| | LastSettings.w3a | 11.1 KB |
| | Wc3Assistant.exe | 435.5 KB |
I just found this on the web and brought it to kat since I did not found any good WC3/dota torrent here. Seems legit, no virus found on my pc.
I've put together wc3 assistant, RGC client and patch to version 1.26a and some Dota maps.
It's already patched. But anyways, to patch you need to change register in windows regedit. Just search for it on google, it's easy.
Please seed after you download, I don't have much time for it but I'll try.
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