Warhammer 40000 Armageddon Untold Battles-SKIDROW
S K I D R O Wthe leading forceproudly presentsWarhammer 40,000: Armageddon - Untold Battles (c) Slitherine Ltd27-02-2015......Release Date Protection.................SteamStrategy...........Game Type Disk(s)....................1 DVDRELEASE NOTESWarhammer 40,000: Armageddon is a fantasy war game set in the SecondWar of Armageddon. You take the role of defending the planet as theImperium of Man against the Ork invaders. Throughout the campaign youwill also be joined by three chapters of Space Marines: theSalamanders, Blood Angels and the UltramarinesIn this hex-based, turn-based strategy game, players will lead theImperial forces of the Armageddon Steel Legion and Space Marines from avariety of Chapters against the Ork invasion through over 30 scenarioson the hostile terrain of the planet and its gigantic Hive CitiesThe game features a complex plot, involving known characters from theWarhammer 40,000 universe and while advancing through the campaign, theplayer will have the ability to carryover his core force from scenarioto scenarioPlayers fight alongside Commissar Yarrick and Commander Dante againstthe cunning Ork Warboss Ghazghkull Thraka and carry overbattle-hardened veterans from scenario to scenario, using theirexperience and upgrading their equipmentOn top all this extensive modding options are available through apowerful and easy-to-use game editorUNTOLD BATTLES NOTES:As the 2nd War for Armageddon rages on, you are called to rise up onceagain in defence of humanity against the Xenos threat. Be prepared toface new challenges as you fight your way through five new scenariosset on the aptly named world of ArmageddonThis expansion features 5 all new scenarios in a variety of missiontypes, ranging from search and destroy to last stand defensive battles!Also, for the first time, take direct control of the Ork Waaagh!against the AI in 3 battles pitting your Orks against the might of theSteel Legion and Space Marines! Each scenario is played as independentcontent so you can jump immediately into the actionThis expansion is made standalone!INSTALL NOTES1. Unpack the release2. Mount or burn image3. Install4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation5. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content assecure/trusted in your antivirus program6. Play the game7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!GREETINGSTo all friends of the family and honorable rival groups!ascii art by thegodlike & terrific duomalodix + irokostitan artdivision