This is the most advanced version of the software. It has all the features of the Private version and supports and includes the motion detector (optical and/or acoustic detectors), the advanced alerts manager, the ability to log traffic to files and the digital video recorder (permanent recording).

It's the perfect solution for advanced security purposes.
Supports unlimited number of video sources.

supported streaming modes:
- still jpeg images for low-tech devices
- flash client (compatible with most operating systems and handheld devices)
- javascript clients (MJPEG or JPEG PUSH)
- Windows Media streaming (audio + video) [webcamXP]
- Flash Video streaming (audio + video) [webcam 7] new!
- Windows Mobile 5.0 / 6.0 client
- iPhone client (3rd party application required)
additional key features:
- local and remote pan & tilt control (Logitech Orbit, Creative LiveMotion! and IP cameras)
- supports FTP/FTPS and HTTP/HTTPS Post
- motion detector (optical or acoustic) with many possible ways to handle alerts (local recording, ftp, http post, launch external applications)
- advanced users manager to grant limited or unlimited access.
- overlay editor supporting picture in picture, animated gifs, alpha-blending and text editor.
- DVR (permanent recording deleted after X hours)
- run as service
- interract with PowerHome automation software
- support audio from network cameras (panasonic, axis, etc...) [webcam 7]
Installation Instructions
Run wlite550.exe
To Install WebcamXP Pro v5.5.1.0 Multiling
follow The Onscreen Instructions By The Installer
When Finish Installing, Click Finish, To Complete
Now Dont Start The Program And Make Sure Its Not Running,
Now Go To The Folder [ C.R. Patch ] And Run wcxp v5 Easy Patch By Cool Release
Now Start The Program, Select [ WebcamXP Private / Pro ]
And Click [ Ok ], Now Use The Info Below To Register The
Register The Program And Click [ Register ] And [ Ok ]
Done Enjoy !!! .
Registration Info (C.R.)
Email: coolrelease@god.com
Name: Cool Release
Code: WXP-72419-1000
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