Wik and the Fable of Souls[FULL](2005){PC} (Size: 103.61 MB)
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| | -HalfTurn.seq24 | 26.21 KB |
| | -PoisonBeeYellowDead.seq24 | 5.52 KB |
| | -PoisonBeeYellowFly.seq24 | 60.65 KB |
| | -PoisonBugSlowDead.seq24 | 6.04 KB |
| | -PoisonBugSlowFly.seq24 | 71.52 KB |
| | -PoisonHalfTurn.seq24 | 28.52 KB |
| | -PurpleDead.seq24 | 2.29 KB |
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| | -PurpleTurn.seq24 | 10.26 KB |
| | -ScorpionAttackBegin.seq24 | 119.49 KB |
| | -ScorpionAttackFinish.seq24 | 57.88 KB |
| | -ScorpionDead.seq24 | 2.92 KB |
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| | -Enemy 4.seq24 | 2.09 KB |
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| | -Countdown1.seq24 | 1.75 KB |
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| | -Countdown3.seq24 | 1.75 KB |
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| | -Grub.seq24 | 1.75 KB |
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| | -Diamond Small.seq24 | 232 bytes |
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| | -Emerald Small.seq24 | 232 bytes |
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| | -Ruby Small.seq24 | 232 bytes |
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| | -RightUpper.seq24 | 232 bytes |
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| | -Forest Sell.seq24 | 1.27 MB |
| | -Generic Coin2.seq24 | 4.33 KB |
| | -HUDDiamond.seq24 | 2.34 KB |
| | -HUDEmerald.seq24 | 2.49 KB |
| | -HUDRuby.seq24 | 1.34 KB |
| | -Vines Sell.seq24 | 1.13 MB |
| | -WikHead.seq24 | 2.01 KB |
| | -challenge 01.seq24 | 6.52 KB |
| | -challenge 02.seq24 | 6.52 KB |
| | -challenge 03.seq24 | 6.52 KB |
| | -challenge 04.seq24 | 6.52 KB |
| | -challenge 05.seq24 | 6.52 KB |
| | -challenge 06.seq24 | 6.52 KB |
| | -challenge 07.seq24 | 6.52 KB |
| | -challenge 08.seq24 | 6.52 KB |
| | -challenge 09.seq24 | 6.52 KB |
| | -challenge 10.seq24 | 6.52 KB |
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| | -Can Move X Cursor.seq24 | 1.7 KB |
| | -Can Move Y Cursor.seq24 | 1.75 KB |
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| | -MouseCursor.seq24 | 2.82 KB |
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| | -Moving X Cursor.seq24 | 7 KB |
| | -Cave.seq24 | 181.13 KB |
| | -CreepyVines.seq24 | 181.13 KB |
| | -Death is coming.seq24 | 181.13 KB |
| | -Forest.seq24 | 181.13 KB |
| | -MorphSequence.seq24 | 181.13 KB |
| | -Resurection.seq24 | 181.13 KB |
| | -story image 01.seq24 | 218.52 KB |
| | -The Reckoning.seq24 | 181.13 KB |
| | -WitchGivesWikAmulet.seq24 | 181.13 KB |
| | -ghost master.seq24 | 59.67 KB |
| | -pause hover.seq24 | 4.07 KB |
| | -pause.seq24 | 3.05 KB |
| | -play hover.seq24 | 5.14 KB |
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| | -skip back.seq24 | 3.7 KB |
| | -skip forward hover.seq24 | 4.71 KB |
| | -skip forward.seq24 | 3.8 KB |
| | -stop hover.seq24 | 6.05 KB |
| | -Delete Hover.seq24 | 6.81 KB |
| | -Delete.seq24 | 2.18 KB |
| | -EndGame.seq24 | 985.71 KB |
| | -menu mouse over piece.seq24 | 2 KB |
| | -mouse over piece orig.seq24 | 2 KB |
| | -mouse over piece.seq24 | 2 KB |
| | -Open Book.seq24 | 1.38 MB |
| | -paper.seq24 | 918 KB |
| | -empty frame.seq24 | 76 bytes |
| | -How Button Hover.seq24 | 21.19 KB |
| | -How Button.seq24 | 123.52 KB |
| | -Hud with gems.seq24 | 78.78 KB |
| | -hud.seq24 | 78.78 KB |
| | -INFINITY.seq24 | 5.59 KB |
| | -LoadSpinner.seq24 | 283.34 KB |
| | -Prologue Window.seq24 | 87.51 KB |
| | -Reflexive Logo.seq24 | 35.55 KB |
| | -Selected Gem.seq24 | 1.51 KB |
| | -!None.seq24 | 5.09 KB |
| | -Generator.seq24 | 3.74 KB |
| | -GrubSmellsStinkyCheese.seq24 | 12.94 KB |
| | -GrubSpawnPoint.seq24 | 1.73 KB |
| | -OdeurDeLaStinkyCheese.seq24 | 8.86 KB |
| | -ParticleSystem.seq24 | 6.67 KB |
| | -PointsBanner.seq24 | 22.22 KB |
| | -PositionMarker.seq24 | 8.92 KB |
| | A jump in time saves nine-Ata.ghost | 83.57 KB |
| | Center Column-Ata.ghost | 57.48 KB |
| | Twin Trunks-Ata.ghost | 103.73 KB |
| | application.dat | 241 bytes |
| | arcade.dat | 943.3 KB |
| | ReflexiveArcade.dll | 948.07 KB |
| | background.jpg | 85.8 KB |
| | button_hover.jpg | 917 bytes |
| | button_normal.jpg | 860 bytes |
| | button_pressed.jpg | 842 bytes |
| | config.ini | 32 bytes |
| | DATA.dat | 41.31 MB |
| | INFO ABOUT THIS GAME.txt | 2.68 KB |
| | Player.dat | 120 bytes |
| | RAW_002.dat | 633 bytes |
| | Readme.htm | 4.17 KB |
Wik and the Fable of Souls is a game developed by Reflexive Entertainment. The main character, Wik, who is a frog-man like character, uses a combination of jumping and his long, grapple-like tongue to navigate the world. Accompanying Wik on his journey is a mule-like creature named Slotham. On each level the player must capture a set number of grubs and deliver them to Slotham, but getting the grubs to Slotham becomes more and more challenging through each "chapter". There are various bugs that try to steal the grubs or directly harm Wik, and on some levels Wik can fall off the platforms into the abyss. On both the PC and the Xbox 360, each level includes three gems; (A Ruby, an Emerald, and a Diamond) capturing all of these throughout the course of the game is required in order to achieve the best ending.
The game is divided into 16 level sets of 8 levels each (or, on the Xbox 360 version, over 120 levels total). The game also features a challenge mode which involves practicing acrobatics and other tricks used during normal game play.
torrent by: ataket1
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