Wikipedia - Marxismseeders: 5
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Wikipedia - Marxism (Size: 9.36 MB)
"Marxism is a socio-economic and political worldview or inquiry based on a materialist interpretation of historical development, a dialectical view of social transformation,an analysis of class-relations and conflict within society. Marxist methodology informs an economic and sociopolitical enquiry applying to the analysis and critique of the development of capitalism and the role of class struggle in systemic economic change."
Wikipedia Marxism ebook. Selected articles from Wikipedia related to Marxism in .epub format. This book is part of the radical seed collection; and for independent researchers looking to followup the citations and further readings, you can find most of them in the radical seed ( Selected Wikipedia Articles: - Marxism Theoretical Works - The Communist Manifesto - A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy - Das Kapital - The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon - Grundrisse - The German Ideology - Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 - Theses on Feuerbach Concepts - Dialectical materialism - Economic determinism - Historical materialism - Marx's method - Socialism - Overdetermination - Scientific socialism - Technological determinism - Proletariat - Bourgeoisie Economics - Marxian economics - Capital - Capital accumulation - Capitalist mode of production - Crisis Theory - Commodity - Exploitation - Means of production - Mode of production - Law of value - Surplus product - Value-form - Wage labour Sociology - Marxist sociology - Marx's theory of alienation - Base and superstructure - Class in marxist theory - Class consciousness - Class conflict - Commodity fetishism - Cultural hegemony - Marx's theory of human nature - Ideology - Immiseration thesis - Private property - Relations of production - Reification - Working class History - Marx's theory of history - Historical determinism - Anarchism and Marxism - Socialism - Dictatorship of the proletariat - Primitive accumulation of capital - Proletarian revolution - Proletarian internationalism - World revolution - Stateless communism Philosophy - Marxist philosophy - Philosophy in the Soviet Union - Marxist philosophy of nature - Marxist humanism - Marxist feminism - Libertarian Marxism - Democractic Marxism - Autonomism - Marxist geography - Marxist liberary criticism - Situationist International - Young Marx - Open Marxism Variants - Classical Marxism - Orthodox Marxism - Marxism-Leninism - Revisionism - Western Marxism - Analytical Marxism - Neo-Marxism - Post-Marxism - Instrumental Marxism - Structural Marxism Movements - Council communism - Democratic socialism - De Leonism - Impossibilism - Left Communism - Leninism - Revolutionary socialism - Social democracy - Trotskyism People - Karl Marx - Friedrich Engels - Karl Kautsky - Eduard Bernstein - James Connolly - Georgi Plekhanov - Rosa Luxemburg - Vladimir Lenin - Leon Trotsky - Chen Duxiu - Joseph Stalin - Ho Chi Minh - Che Guevara - Mao Zedong - Louis Althusser - Gyorgy Lukacs - Karl Korsch - Antonio Gramsci - Antonie Pannekoek - Rudolf Hilferding - Guy Debord Sharing Widget |