Witch Trainer 2015 [1.5.2] [Full English Translation] (Size: 737.73 MB)
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| | Q2.txt | 5.04 KB |
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| | Accelerator.so | 86.34 KB |
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| | __init__.pyo | 10.69 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 6.34 KB |
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| | Transform.so | 57.66 KB |
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| | Mask.so | 41.4 KB |
| | Display.so | 33.79 KB |
| | color.so | 33.43 KB |
| | rect.so | 33.29 KB |
| | colordict.pyo | 31.64 KB |
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| | style.pyd | 129 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 10.69 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 8.38 KB |
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| | surface.pyd | 244 KB |
| | Transform.pyd | 51.5 KB |
| | sprite.pyo | 49.93 KB |
| | pixelarray.pyd | 40 KB |
| | draw.pyd | 37 KB |
| | Mask.pyd | 36 KB |
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| | color.pyd | 29 KB |
| | rect.pyd | 28.5 KB |
| | Display.pyd | 27 KB |
| | sound.pyd | 66 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 417 bytes |
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| | Select.pyd | 9.5 KB |
| | site.pyo | 7.74 KB |
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| | Accelerator.so | 102.81 KB |
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| | __init__.pyo | 6.34 KB |
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| | Mask.so | 57.84 KB |
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| | Display.so | 38.23 KB |
| | color.so | 37.88 KB |
| | rect.so | 37.74 KB |
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| | colordict.pyo | 31.64 KB |
| | sound.so | 108.17 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 417 bytes |
| | dynload.txt | 195 bytes |
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| | _ctypes.so | 181.39 KB |
| | _IO.so | 168.66 KB |
| | _renpy.so | 143.17 KB |
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| | cPickle.so | 95.41 KB |
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| | Accelerator.so | 70.79 KB |
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| | Transform.so | 48.11 KB |
| | pixelarray.so | 35.99 KB |
| | Mask.so | 35.18 KB |
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| | colordict.pyo | 31.64 KB |
| | color.so | 27.46 KB |
| | sprite.pyo | 27.45 KB |
| | Image.so | 27.34 KB |
| | rect.so | 26.85 KB |
| | sound.so | 71.61 KB |
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| | dynload.txt | 195 bytes |
| | pyexpat.so | 183.17 KB |
| | _IO.so | 130 KB |
| | _ctypes.so | 115.44 KB |
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| | __init__.pyo | 59.23 KB |
| | UNIV.pyo | 56.33 KB |
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| | __init__.pyo | 201 bytes |
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| | __init__.pyo | 201 bytes |
| | __init__.pyo | 197 bytes |
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| | __init__.pyo | 157 bytes |
| | __init__.pyo | 342 bytes |
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| | __init__.pyo | 1.08 KB |
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| | controls.pyo | 28.79 KB |
| | Appearance.pyo | 28.02 KB |
| | CarbonEvents.pyo | 19.95 KB |
| | Files.pyo | 13.98 KB |
| | windows.pyo | 10.45 KB |
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| | dialogs.pyo | 2.82 KB |
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| | base.pyo | 1.17 KB |
| | nonmultipart.pyo | 970 bytes |
| | __init__.pyo | 158 bytes |
| | MESSAGE.pyo | 29.26 KB |
| | _parseaddr.pyo | 14.24 KB |
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| | FeedParser.pyo | 11.42 KB |
| | generator.pyo | 10.54 KB |
| | utils.pyo | 9.38 KB |
| | quopriMIME.pyo | 9 KB |
| | base64MIME.pyo | 5.33 KB |
| | parser.pyo | 3.96 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 21.45 KB |
| | WINTYPES.pyo | 6.17 KB |
| | _endian.pyo | 2.42 KB |
| | Type_Definitions.pyo | 18.9 KB |
| | Finder_items.pyo | 16.4 KB |
| | Standard_Suite.pyo | 11.37 KB |
| | Window_classes.pyo | 11.31 KB |
| | Legacy_suite.pyo | 10.49 KB |
| | Files.pyo | 9.42 KB |
| | Containers_and_folders.pyo | 9.33 KB |
| | Finder_Basics.pyo | 8.48 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 6.72 KB |
| | Enumerations.pyo | 3.75 KB |
| | encoder.pyo | 13.41 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 12.92 KB |
| | decoder.pyo | 11.97 KB |
| | scanner.pyo | 2.26 KB |
| | Key.pyo | 12.17 KB |
| | pkcs1.pyo | 6.19 KB |
| | Transform.pyo | 3.18 KB |
| | Common.pyo | 2.74 KB |
| | Prime.pyo | 2.7 KB |
| | _compat.pyo | 2.66 KB |
| | varblock.pyo | 2.35 KB |
| | pem.pyo | 1.95 KB |
| | PARALLEL.pyo | 1.64 KB |
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| | decimal.pyo | 174.14 KB |
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| | tarfile.pyo | 77.95 KB |
| | argparse.pyo | 66.52 KB |
| | difflib.pyo | 61.92 KB |
| | optparse.pyo | 56.53 KB |
| | cookielib.pyo | 55.89 KB |
| | urllib.pyo | 51.47 KB |
| | LOCALE.pyo | 49.38 KB |
| | urllib2.pyo | 48.74 KB |
| | linebreak.pxi | 1 MB |
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| | font.py | 19.84 KB |
| | TextSupport.pyx | 19.15 KB |
| | FTFont.pyx | 18.07 KB |
| | font.pyo | 13.45 KB |
| | texwrap.pyx | 6.2 KB |
| | Extras.py | 3.61 KB |
| | Extras.pyo | 2.55 KB |
| | GIRL.png | 89.63 KB |
| | Boy.png | 74.1 KB |
| | Quicksand-Regular.ttf | 23.27 KB |
| | Quicksand-Bold.ttf | 22.86 KB |
| | OFL.txt | 4.4 KB |
| | slider_full_overlay.png | 3.75 KB |
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| | radio_unselected.png | 3.25 KB |
| | frame_overlay.png | 3.22 KB |
| | frame.png | 3.05 KB |
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| | preferences.rpym | 18.89 KB |
| | gamemenu.rpym | 16.63 KB |
| | styles.rpym | 15.67 KB |
| | library.rpym | 4.82 KB |
| | preferences.rpymc | 4.26 KB |
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| | Themes.rpymc | 3.4 KB |
| | MainMenu.rpym | 2.91 KB |
| | styles.rpymc | 2.6 KB |
| | Developer.rpym | 14.6 KB |
| | Developer.rpymc | 7.07 KB |
| | inspector.rpym | 5.74 KB |
| | inspector.rpymc | 5.22 KB |
| | classic_preferences_common.rpym | 13.3 KB |
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| | imagemap_preferences.rpym | 4.93 KB |
| | classic_preferences.rpym | 3.54 KB |
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| | two_column_preferences.rpym | 3.27 KB |
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| | inkscrollbar_thumb.png | 410 bytes |
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| | brscrollbar.png | 2.85 KB |
| | brscrollbar_thumb.png | 2.82 KB |
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| | cryslider_full.png | 1.46 KB |
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| | cryscrollbar.png | 373 bytes |
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| | auvslider_thumb.png | 623 bytes |
| | auvscrollbar_thumb.png | 409 bytes |
| | auscrollbar_thumb.png | 405 bytes |
| | rr12g.png | 1.44 KB |
| | rrvslider_full.png | 1.33 KB |
| | rr6g.png | 1.28 KB |
| | rrvslider_empty.png | 1.08 KB |
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| | rrslider_full.png | 1014 bytes |
| | rrscrollbar.png | 897 bytes |
| | rrslider_empty.png | 867 bytes |
| | rrvscrollbar_thumb.png | 529 bytes |
| | rrscrollbar_thumb.png | 476 bytes |
| | DejaVuSans.ttf | 607.7 KB |
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| | 00action_file.rpy | 18.14 KB |
| | 00gallery.rpy | 17.33 KB |
| | 00layout.rpy | 17.06 KB |
| | 00console.rpy | 16.5 KB |
| | 00preferences.rpy | 15.75 KB |
| | 00musicroom.rpy | 15.68 KB |
| | _errorhandling.rpym | 14.57 KB |
| | core.py | 82.56 KB |
| | layout.py | 53.51 KB |
| | core.pyo | 53.48 KB |
| | behavior.py | 49.99 KB |
| | motion.py | 44.97 KB |
| | layout.pyo | 44.04 KB |
| | im.py | 43.19 KB |
| | behavior.pyo | 42.86 KB |
| | im.pyo | 39.04 KB |
| | motion.pyo | 38.2 KB |
| | GL.pxd | 53.67 KB |
| | GLTexture.pyx | 38.06 KB |
| | gldraw.pyx | 35.31 KB |
| | glenviron_shader.pyx | 17.57 KB |
| | gldraw.pxd | 2.93 KB |
| | glrtt_fbo.pyx | 2.8 KB |
| | GLTexture.pxd | 2.68 KB |
| | glrtt_copy.pyx | 2.31 KB |
| | glblacklist.py | 1.92 KB |
| | glblacklist.pyo | 389 bytes |
| | GL.pxd | 53.56 KB |
| | GLTexture.pyx | 37.94 KB |
| | gldraw.pyx | 35.2 KB |
| | glenviron_shader.pyx | 17.44 KB |
| | glenviron_fixed.pyx | 12.44 KB |
| | glenviron_limited.pyx | 7.62 KB |
| | gldraw.pxd | 2.82 KB |
| | glrtt_fbo.pyx | 2.69 KB |
| | GLTexture.pxd | 2.57 KB |
| | glrtt_copy.pyx | 2.19 KB |
| | slast.py | 42.86 KB |
| | slast.pyo | 31.62 KB |
| | slparser.py | 17.94 KB |
| | slparser.pyo | 16.55 KB |
| | sldisplayables.py | 14.82 KB |
| | sldisplayables.pyo | 11.97 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 163 bytes |
| | __init__.py | 0 bytes |
| | Audio.py | 25.27 KB |
| | Audio.pyo | 17.25 KB |
| | music.py | 11.67 KB |
| | music.pyo | 5.78 KB |
| | sound.py | 2.54 KB |
| | sound.pyo | 2.16 KB |
| | __init__.py | 1.13 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 165 bytes |
| | exports.py | 71.02 KB |
| | ast.pyo | 58.76 KB |
| | parser.py | 52.39 KB |
| | exports.pyo | 50.9 KB |
| | ast.py | 49.54 KB |
| | License.txt | 49.13 KB |
| | atl.py | 48.16 KB |
| | parser.pyo | 43.54 KB |
| | atl.pyo | 42.02 KB |
| | python.py | 39.06 KB |
| | icon.icns | 92.64 KB |
| | Witch Trainer | 1.51 KB |
| | info.plist | 1.58 KB |
| | Witch Trainer.exe | 53.5 KB |
| | history(ru).txt | 13.63 KB |
| | history(eng).txt | 8.31 KB |
| | Log.txt | 7.01 KB |
| | Witch Trainer.py | 5.47 KB |
| | Readme.html | 5.35 KB |
| | Witch Trainer.sh | 1.51 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 442 bytes |
You can change the language from RUS to ENG on the main screen middle left side.
Year: 2015
Release Date: 2015/10/29
Genre: ADV, Anal sex, Animation, Big tits, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Oral Sex, School, Striptease, Tiny tits
Censorship: None
Developer / Publisher: Sad Crab
Platform: PC / Windows, Linux, MacOs, Android
Publication Type: Original (licensed)
Version: 1.5.2
Language games: Russian + English
Version 1.5.2
* New: Added new cheats, contributors - the active members of our forums.
* New: Added a few convenient ways to support the project - look for it in the general menu.
* New: Highly increased the chance to find more Dumbledore's Wine - look for it in the cupboard.
* New: Starting the season sales on Hermione's clothes - everything for half the price.
* New: In view of referred below events, Daphne was forced to get nake... khm... convinced to sign a contract. Get ready to see boobs.
* Fix: Fixed a few small bugs.
* Fix: Finished the Full English Translation.
* Fix: Due to sanctions on overseas oddities, Phoenix was removed from the game. Only today, only in our game : The Fire Bird.
* Bad News: In view of their improper conduct, Daphne and Hermione are expelled from Hogwarts.
* Good News: Thanks to your donations. Daphne and Hermione are full-time employees now.
Sharing Widget