TITLE : World Famous Unsolved Mysteries
AUTHOR : Abhay Kumar Dubcy
PUBLISHER : Pustak Mahal
YEAR : 2004 (22nd Edition!)
PAGES : 136 pages with b/w photos
ISBN : 81-223-0560-1
FORMAT : Scanned PDF with OCR, covers, bookmarks
1. Atlantis: Paradise Lost? 9
2. Haunted people 16
3. Eldorado—A golden myth 23
4. Olmecs: The founders of the American civilization? 28
5. Who was queen of Sheba? 32
6. Project U.F.O. 37
7. The mysterious iron pillar 43
8. The secret of Tutankhamen's mummy 45
9. The jungles of Angkor 49
10. PSI—The science of knowing the unseen 53
11. The secret of Mayas 58
12. The mysterious Inca treasure 63
13. Is the earth shrinking? 69
14. The unknown message of Nazca drawings 72
15. Is there a second life? 76
16. Bermuda Triangle—Is it a reality? 83
17. The stones which speak of past artistry 87
18. The navel of the world 92
19. The splendour Of pyramids 97
20. Black hole of Siberia 102
21. Scythians—The great warriors 107
22. Was Sahara desert ever green 112
23. The forgotten voyagers of the new world 116
24. Which was the first city of the world? 121
25. Teotihuacan, the place where gods lived 126
26. Magic healing 131
ABOUT THE BOOK : The objective of 'World-Famous Series' is to
expand the mental horizon of an average reader by
channelising his knowledge and thoughts to
international happenings.
This book under the series is a collection of
mysteries — consisting of 26 such baffling mysteries
which are still unsolved despite the pace of modern
discoveries. The book explores man's cherished myths
such as the fabled land of Atlantis, an unending search
for an Eldorado whose gold was beyond imagination
and other fascinating wondrous megaliths like
Stonehenge, Pyramids, etc. It also peeps into the most
mysterious world of ghosts, vampires, zombies and
monsters, including Bermuda Triangle, U.EO., etc.
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