Wrong Turn 2 2007 SWEDSUB DVDRip Hightopperseeders: 0
leechers: 1
Wrong Turn 2 2007 SWEDSUB DVDRip Hightopper (Size: 701.45 MB)
In Greenbrier Back Country, West Virginia, the retired military Dale Murphy is hosting a tough survivor show where the winner takes US$ 100,000.00. The proposal of the reality show is to survive in the woods in the most adverse conditions, following predetermined rules. Soon the contestants find that they are really fighting to survive against a strong, sadistic and violent cannibalistic family with the appearance of monsters. Further, Colonel Dale discloses that many years ago, an abandoned pulp mill released chemical waste into the creek, killing the animals and transforming the descendants of a local family in deformed mutants. Without animals to hunt or fish to catch, the next generation chases travelers to feed themselves.
Wrong Turn 2: Dead End är en skräckfilm som släpptes direkt på DVD i oktober 2007. Handlingen följer 2003 års Wrong Turn, med en kannibalfamilj som jagar och äter upp alla de får tag på. I filmen spelar bland annat Erica Leerhsen och Henry Rollins, som medverkar i en postapokalyptiskt dokusåpa. Sharing WidgetTrailer |