XCOM: Enemy Unknown (c) 2K GamesGame information=================XCOM: Enemy Unknown will place you in control of a secret paramilitaryorganization called XCOM. As the XCOM commander, you will defend against aterrifying global alien invasion by managing resources, advancingtechnologies, and overseeing combat strategies and individual unittacticsThe original XCOM is widely regarded as one of the best games ever madeand has now been re-imagined by the strategy experts at Firaxis GamesXCOM: Enemy Unknown will expand on that legacy with an entirely newinvasion story, enemies and technologies to fight aliens and defend EarthYou will control the fate of the human race through researching alientechnologies, creating and managing a fully operational base, planningcombat missions and controlling soldier movement in battleFeatures=========Strategy Evolved: XCOM: Enemy Unknown couples tacticalturn-based gameplay with incredible action sequencesand on-the-ground combatStrategic Base: Recruit, customize and grow unique soldiersand manage your personnel. Detect and intercept the alienthreat as you build and expand your XCOM headquartersTactical Combat: Direct soldier squads in turn-based groundbattles and deploy air units such as the Interceptorand SkyrangerWorldwide Threat: Combat spans the globe as the XCOM team engagesin over 70 unique missions, interacting and negotiating withgovernments around the worldInstallation Information=========================Burn or mountInstall the gamePlay the game

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