ZenPinBall rarseeders: 1
leechers: 1
ZenPinBall rar (Size: 39.89 MB)
Zen Pinball - All Tables Unlocked!!!!!
Instructions 1.Place the zenpb.rar on your Andr0iD int/ext SD Card 2.Extract Archived zenpb.rar with a file explorer (example.FX File Explorer, Androzip) 3.Install the Zen Pinball APK. 4.Next Install Freedom APK. (freedom is your ticket to free in app store purchases) Heres the tricky part 5.Freedom is a region only app, Befroe you open Freedom.apk go to Settings > Language + Input > Language. Select Russian as the language. (its not listed as Russian, scroll down till you see "Pyccknn" 6. Open Freedom and click on Zen Pinball 2 it should open. 7. Now choose any table you want to download google checkout or wallet should open with a creditcard named Freecard and Pin XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-2912 These last 4 digit changes everytime you use freecard "freedom" so you can use it on other apps as well. 8.After dowloading a table or all tables exit Zen Pinball and open Freedom again tap the menu button and tap stop. Now you can restore your language back to English in Settings Sharing WidgetTrailer |
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