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ANSYS V13 x86 [en-ger-jp-fr] (Size: 4.39 GB)
DescriptionANSYS V13 x86 [en-ger-jp-fr] MAGNiTUDE [h33t] [Original] ANSYS 13.0 includes a great number of new and advanced features that make it easier, faster and cheaper for customers to bring new products to market, with a high degree of confidence in the ultimate results they will achieve. The product suite delivers new benefits in three major areas: Greater accuracy and fidelity: As engineering requirements and design complexity increase, simulation software must produce more accurate results that reflect changing operating conditions over time. Higher productivity: ANSYS 13.0 includes dozens of features that minimize the time and effort product development teams invest in simulation. More computational power: For some engineering simulations, ANSYS 13.0 can provide speedup ratios that are five to 10 times greater than previous software releases. Even complex multiphysics simulations can be accomplished more quickly and efficiently, speeding up product development and market launch initiatives. ANSYS 13.0 builds on the foundation of previous ANSYS releases, taking product development to the next level by continuing the evolution of Smart Engineering Simulation. By compressing design cycles, optimizing product performance across multiple physics, maximizing the accuracy of virtual prototypes, and automating the simulation process, ANSYS is making it easier and faster than ever to bring innovative new products to market — which has become imperative in today’s difficult economy. 1. Unpack&Install 2. Read .txt from /MAGNiTUDE dir 3. Enjoy! ANSYS 13.0 Release Highlights ANSYS 13.0 includes a great number of new and advanced features that make it easier, faster and cheaper for customers to bring new products to market, with a high degree of confidence in the ultimate results they will achieve. The product suite delivers new benefits in three major areas: •Greater accuracy and fidelity: As engineering requirements and design complexity increase, simulation software must produce more accurate results that reflect changing operating conditions over time. •Higher productivity: ANSYS 13.0 includes dozens of features that minimize the time and effort product development teams invest in simulation. •More computational power: For some engineering simulations, ANSYS 13.0 can provide speedup ratios that are five to 10 times greater than previous software releases. Even complex multiphysics simulations can be accomplished more quickly and efficiently, speeding up product development and market launch initiatives. ANSYS 13.0 builds on the foundation of previous ANSYS releases, taking product development to the next level by continuing the evolution of Smart Engineering Simulation. By compressing design cycles, optimizing product performance across multiple physics, maximizing the accuracy of virtual prototypes, and automating the simulation process, ANSYS is making it easier and faster than ever to bring innovative new products to market — which has become imperative in today’s difficult economy. » ANSYS Workbench Framework » Meshing » Fluid Dynamics » Structural Mechanics » Electromagnetics » Multiphysics » Data and Process Management ANSYS Workbench Framework Improved Multi-Design Point Evaluation Product engineers can engage the improved multi-design point evaluation feature to reduce the amount of time and computer resources necessary. When performing a design point update, only the design points affected by a change to the project will be marked as out of date. Those design points related to changes irrelevant to the parametric study will not be affected. For example, when adding a standalone system or making a change downstream of the study, design points will not go out of date. Only out-of-date components and systems will be updated during an update operation. Example of a parametric design point in ANSYS Workbench ![]() ANSYS DesignXplorer Accuracy When performing sensitivity analyses or optimization based on response surface techniques, the user needs to determine the accuracy of the response surface and, therefore, the trustworthiness of the approximation. A good approximation is required to extract meaningful results from sensitivity studies. Several new features in ANSYS DesignXplorer software reinforce the accuracy of the results. New design of experiment (DOE) schemes are now available. Sparse grid, for example, is a dynamic DOE response type that features automatic adaptive refinement. This capability adds design points based on response surface gradients until the relative error drops below a certain threshold. Accuracy can be checked visually by using these sampling points (from the design of experiments) in combination with additional verification points. These points are plotted against the estimated response surface. Points close to the diagonal are more accurate when compared with the response surface. Automated adaptive refinement (top) and accuracy assessment (bottom) using ANSYS DesignXplorer ![]() Microsoft Excel Interoperability Microsoft® Excel® is one of the most widely applied tools for engineering. Used for creating analytical representations of some models, it can also be used to define parameter tables that will drive a CAD model. With ANSYS 13.0, the ANSYS Workbench platform can interact with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, resulting in improved productivity. An Excel system is available within ANSYS Workbench component systems that can exchange parameters with ANSYS DesignXplorer software and the parameter set bar. Parameters can be flagged in Excel using the name a range method. Excel can be used as a solver within the ANSYS Workbench project. Optimization can be conducted based on Excel-calculated parameters, such as cost. In addition, the Excel system can introduce a reduced-order model (ROM) coupled with parameters from other systems on the project page. ![]() Microsoft Excel spreadsheet linked to ANSYS Workbench project Meshing CutCell Meshing CutCell meshing is a general-purpose meshing technique that produces almost all hexahedral elements on complex 3-D geometry automatically. This meshing algorithm is suitable for a large range of applications, is useful for meshing fluid bodies in both single and multibody parts, and is very easy to set up. ![]() Hexahedral mesh automatically generated for F-1 car Virtual Split Edge While automated meshing is important for speedy solutions, engineers require advanced meshing controls to allow interaction with the model. Using both automated and manual meshing techniques can maximize productivity. The new virtual split edge feature, part of the virtual topology tool for the simulation application, allows splitting of one edge into two virtual edges. The user can define the location of the split either by picking the location in the geometry window or by specifying a numerical value in the details view. This new feature brings several new capabilities: •Producing a more uniform or more controlled mesh through manual manipulation •Defining vertices to apply loads and boundary conditions when they are not present in the geometry ![]() Vertice definition (left) and controlled mesh (right) produced with virtual split edge feature Fluid Dynamics Turbulence Models ANSYS 13.0 contains many new and improved turbulence models that allow physical phenomena to be captured more accurately. •An embedded large eddy simulation (LES) option allows computation of an LES solution in part of the flow domain while a RANS model is used to model the rest of the domain. While LES is more time consuming because of the complexity of the phenomena, RANS runs much faster. Combining both models to enforce LES only in the areas of interest allows speedup of the computation while maintaining accuracy. •A key addition for turbulence modeling in ANSYS CFX software is the bounded central difference (BCD) discretization scheme to avoid unphysical wiggles (solution oscillations) that could appear in scale-resolving simulations such as LES/DES/SAS. •Access to the k-omega model for multiphase cases has been added to ANSYS FLUENT software. This capability extends support to the full range of two-equation turbulence models in this product. •ANSYS FLUENT now contains the scale-adapted simulation (SAS) turbulence model, which is an unsteady RANS approach for accurately modeling separated flows quickly without using LES. ![]() Fully developed channel flow simulated with embedded LES ![]() Unphysical wiggles (left) can be prevented (right) with the BCD scheme in scale-resolving simulations ![]() Wake structure behind F-1 car wheel simulated with SAS Mesh Swapping and Remeshing New capabilities have been introduced to increase accuracy using better mesh quality. •Key-frame mesh swapping allows a discrete change in the mesh during the solution based on a sequence of pregenerated meshes. At each mesh swap, the current solution is interpolated onto the new mesh. Meshes to be swapped must have the same region topology. The mesh can be smoothed between swaps. Dynamic mesh events can be used to define the time and file name for each mesh swap during a simulation. The key-frame mesh swapping approach complements ANSYS FLUENT software’s built-in remeshing options for transient moving and deforming mesh cases. •A Cartesian remeshing capability added in ANSYS 13.0 increases accuracy. Cartesian remeshing is available for remeshing entire regions (that do not have conformal connections to adjacent regions) during simulations using a new option for the dynamic mesh model. Manual Cartesian remeshing of entire regions is available to allow easy switching from tetrahedral meshes to Cartesian meshing technology without having to return to the pre-processor. ![]() Mesh swapping used for in-cylinder engine simulation ![]() Cartesian remeshing for in-cylinder engine simulation Multiphase Flow Additional multiphase capabilities have been added to ANSYS 13.0 to address more applications with greater reliably and accuracy as well as to meet users’ evolving CFD needs. •A new Eulerian nucleate boiling model allows simulation of subcooled boiling at walls, including nonequilibrium subcooled boiling and superheated vapor. •The suite incorporates the full release of the compressive discretization scheme (which was beta at ANSYS 12.0). This new scheme is faster and generates results similar to the standard VOF formulation for time-accurate transient analysis. •For Lagrangian multiphase, a packing limit option has been added to the dense discrete phase model (DDPM) to prevent unlimited accumulation of particles. This option allows simulation of suspensions and flows such as bubbling fluidized bed reactors operating at the packing limit conditions. It also allows for polydispersed particle systems. •The Kelvin–Helmholtz; Rayleigh–Taylor (KHRT) breakup model is an addition to ANSYS FLUENT software's suite of spray breakup models. KHRT is an advanced model for simulating primary and secondary droplet breakup at high Weber numbers. •The new coupled level-set method is an alternative to the VOF model for interface tracking. It offers some improvements in computing gradients and curvature as well as a better prediction of surface tension force. ![]() Contours of vapor volume fraction in nuclear fuel assembly Related Torrents
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