Dragon Age Inquisition Update 1 and 2 Incl DLC and Crack-3DM
ABOUT THE GAMEYou are the Inquisitor, tasked with saving the world from itself. But the road ahead is paved with difficult decisions. Thedas is a land of strife. Factions constantly war with each other even as a larger demonic invasion has begun. And you? You and your band of champions are the only ones who can hold it together. It’s your job to lead them… or fall.And with the Digital Deluxe, you’re granted access to an exclusive armory of weapons, armor and mounts. Sit atop the skull-carved throne with the Flames of the Inquisition Armor, and ride onto the battlefield with mounts like the Bog Unicorn and the Red Hart Halla.Install notes:1. Unzip 2. Copy the upgrade patch Update folder to the game directory covering 3, copy the folder Crack crack patch to the game directory covering 4, run Launcher.exe start the game the game's release has integrated all the archive retrieval and all the DLCs Please pay special attention to prevent accidental deletion soft kill the crack file 3dmgame.dll By GlowStorm @ 3DM Technology Group

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