| | 0103 Introducing Apache MySQL and PHP.mov | 5.71 MB |
| | 0104 Installing WampServer on Windows.mov | 5.61 MB |
| | 0102 Selecting application and database servers.mov | 5.2 MB |
| | 0106 Installing MAMP on Mac OS X.mov | 4.56 MB |
| | 0105 Taking a tour of WampServer.mov | 4.05 MB |
| | 0101 Understanding static vs dynamic web pages.mov | 3.89 MB |
| | 0107 Taking a tour of MAMP.mov | 3.08 MB |
| | 0203 Creating and testing a first PHP-based web page.mov | 17.9 MB |
| | 0207 Using server-side includes.mov | 12.17 MB |
| | 0202 Configuring a PHP testing server.mov | 8.89 MB |
| | 0205 Setting and outputting simple variables.mov | 4.89 MB |
| | 0204 Adding PHP commands with the Insert panel.mov | 4.55 MB |
| | 0201 Defining a Dreamweaver site.mov | 4.12 MB |
| | 0208 Navigating included pages with the Code Navigator.mov | 3.77 MB |
| | 0206 Testing pages with Live view and Live Code view.mov | 2.62 MB |
| | 0305 Using Zend Framework classes with code hints.mov | 9.11 MB |
| | 0302 Understanding PHP custom classes.mov | 8.5 MB |
| | 0303 Adding the Zend Framework to a PHP site.mov | 7.4 MB |
| | 0301 Using code hinting with PHP variables.mov | 6.81 MB |
| | 0306 Managing reusable code with the Snippets panel.mov | 4.9 MB |
| | 0304 Using the Site-Specific Code Hints feature.mov | 4.33 MB |
| | 0404 Importing a completed database from a script.mov | 6.73 MB |
| | 0402 Creating a MySQL database in phpMyAdmin.mov | 4.66 MB |
| | 0401 Understanding relational databases.mov | 4.47 MB |
| | 0403 Adding data in phpMyAdmin.mov | 2.77 MB |
| | 0504 Displaying data with repeating regions.mov | 11.02 MB |
| | 0508 Limiting records with paging controls.mov | 8.03 MB |
| | 0505 Displaying data with a dynamic table.mov | 6.4 MB |
| | 0501 Defining a Dreamweaver database connection.mov | 6.35 MB |
| | 0503 Building an advanced recordset.mov | 6.1 MB |
| | 0506 Formatting dynamic data.mov | 6.07 MB |
| | 0502 Building a simple recordset.mov | 5.06 MB |
| | 0509 Creating conditional regions.mov | 4.68 MB |
| | 0507 Displaying the total number of records.mov | 2.88 MB |
| | 0607 Sending email with Zend_Mail.mov | 10.29 MB |
| | 0606 Working with multiple checkbox controls.mov | 9.49 MB |
| | 0604 Validating form controls with Spry.mov | 9.34 MB |
| | 0605 Populating a list control with dynamic data.mov | 6.44 MB |
| | 0601 Building a simple data entry form.mov | 6.42 MB |
| | 0602 Handling form submissions with PHP.mov | 5.8 MB |
| | 0603 Creating a customer email form.mov | 4.31 MB |
| | 0706 Preparing an update form.mov | 8.86 MB |
| | 0701 Using data wizards.mov | 8.22 MB |
| | 0709 Using the Delete Record server behavior.mov | 8.21 MB |
| | 0707 Using the Update Form behavior.mov | 7.95 MB |
| | 0702 Formatting dates for SQL.mov | 7 MB |
| | 0705 Using the Insert Record server behavior.mov | 6.84 MB |
| | 0708 Creating list page links to edit and delete data.mov | 6.62 MB |
| | 0703 Creating a custom data entry form.mov | 5.53 MB |
| | 0704 Preparing a database table for server behaviors.mov | 3.9 MB |
| | 0801 Creating a login form with a PHP server behavior.mov | 7.71 MB |
| | 0802 Protecting page access with PHP server behaviors.mov | 6 MB |
| | 0803 Logging out with a PHP server behavior.mov | 5.05 MB |
| | 0905 Configuring the site for the remote database.mov | 8.37 MB |
| | 0902 Synchronizing site assets with the remote server.mov | 7.15 MB |
| | 0901 Configuring a remote server with FTP credentials.mov | 5.23 MB |
| | 0903 Exporting the MySQL database to a script.mov | 3.79 MB |
| | 0904 Importing the MySQL database on a remote server.mov | 3.06 MB |
| | 1001 Final thoughts.mov | 706.87 KB |
| | dwsync.xml | 305 bytes |
| | podcast_teaser.flv | 8.5 MB |
| | dwsync.xml | 1.4 KB |
| | redwoods_01.jpg | 121.81 KB |
| | old_copcar.jpg | 83.89 KB |
| | red_rock_01.jpg | 82.94 KB |
| | beach_houses.jpg | 78.45 KB |
| | ventura_01.jpg | 66.83 KB |
| | tahoe_01.jpg | 65.85 KB |
| | winery_truck.jpg | 59.38 KB |
| | Oranges.jpg | 38.17 KB |
| | Golden_Gate.jpg | 24 KB |
| | Olives.jpg | 23.84 KB |
| | banner.jpg.mno | 15.52 KB |
| | dwsync.xml | 9.46 KB |
| | main_back.jpg | 140.93 KB |
| | BIGSUR.jpg | 80.77 KB |
| | Olives.jpg | 78.77 KB |
| | winery_sign.jpg | 72.23 KB |
| | olives_01.jpg | 70.5 KB |
| | blog_banner.jpg | 56.16 KB |
| | LUNCH.jpg | 53.99 KB |
| | mission_look.jpg | 48.14 KB |
| | overlook.jpg | 47.47 KB |
| | banner.jpg | 35.39 KB |
| | dwsync.xml | 556 bytes |
| | swfobject_modified.js | 21.19 KB |
| | expressInstall.swf | 773 bytes |
| | dwsync.xml | 1.25 KB |
| | SpryValidationPassword.js | 19.68 KB |
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| | SpryValidationConfirm.css | 1.84 KB |
| | dwsync.xml | 391 bytes |
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| | GALLERY.htm | 5.92 KB |
| | Podcast.htm | 318 bytes |
| | error.htm | 12.81 KB |
| | dwsync.xml | 291 bytes |
| | MySQL.php | 12.78 KB |
| | MMHTTPDB.php | 4.41 KB |
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| | contact_process.htm | 318 bytes |
| | CHAT.htm | 318 bytes |
| | 404.shtml | 12.74 KB |
| | CONTACT.htm | 12.7 KB |
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| | Resources.php | 7.86 KB |
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| | Explorers.htm | 4.98 KB |
| | MISSION.php | 4.61 KB |
| | advancedrs.php | 1.86 KB |
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| | dwsync.xml | 1.4 KB |
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| | ventura_01.jpg | 66.83 KB |
| | tahoe_01.jpg | 65.85 KB |
| | winery_truck.jpg | 59.38 KB |
| | Oranges.jpg | 38.17 KB |
| | Golden_Gate.jpg | 24 KB |
| | Olives.jpg | 23.84 KB |
| | banner.jpg.mno | 15.52 KB |
| | dwsync.xml | 9.46 KB |
| | main_back.jpg | 140.93 KB |
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| | Olives.jpg | 78.77 KB |
| | winery_sign.jpg | 72.23 KB |
| | olives_01.jpg | 70.5 KB |
| | blog_banner.jpg | 56.16 KB |
| | LUNCH.jpg | 53.99 KB |
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| | overlook.jpg | 47.47 KB |
| | banner.jpg | 35.39 KB |
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