Released: September 16, 2011Genre : Action / Kinect GameDeveloper : Twisted Pixel GamesPublisher : Microsoft Game StudioRelease : R.G. DShockLanguage: English / RussianLanguage: EnglishSubtitle Language: English / RussianLocalization : Microsoft Game StudioPlatform : XBOX360Publication Type : GOD / LicenseFirmware : Freeboot / RGH / JTAGMedia-ID: 15941D05Dashboard: 16202Multiplayer: NoAdditional requirements: Obligatory presence sensor KinectDescription:The Gunstringer - the original game , in which the management is carried out using the motion controller, Kinect, and starring acts puppet sheriff zombie . Gameplay combines different mini-games, some of which are made in 3D, and the other as a 2.5D platformer .