| | I_3DM_Max_1-01_CourseStructure.mp4 | 161.11 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_1-02_Thinking in 3D.mp4 | 156.5 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_2-01_Starting 3ds max.mp4 | 133.66 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_2-02_Navigating the Viewport.mp4 | 163.22 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_2-03_Primitives.mp4 | 95.83 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_2-04_Move Rotate Scale.mp4 | 135.84 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_2-05_StreetSign.mp4 | 181.04 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_3-01_Primitives2Complex.mp4 | 78.75 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_3-02_FacesEdgesVertices.mp4 | 103.68 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_3-03_Extrude.mp4 | 96.63 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_3-04_Cut and SwiftLoop.mp4 | 117.69 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_3-05_Weld.mp4 | 82.28 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_4-01_Lets Model.mp4 | 226.98 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_4-02_Preparing the Scene.mp4 | 53.51 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_4-03_Background Image.mp4 | 78.59 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_4-04_Primitive.mp4 | 74.83 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_4-05_Silhouette.mp4 | 84.85 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_4-06_TopHalf.mp4 | 74.08 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_4-07_AddingDetails.mp4 | 79.06 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_4-08_BottomHalf.mp4 | 74.32 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_5-01_OptimizingPro.mp4 | 103.92 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_5-02_QuadsTrisNgons.mp4 | 113.81 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_5-03_Ngons.mp4 | 115.02 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_5-04_Polishing.mp4 | 86 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_5-05_PreparingEngine.mp4 | 55.53 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_5-06_Exporting.mp4 | 65.87 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_6-01- What are Uvs.mp4 | 338.3 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_6-02-planning the UV.mp4 | 67.53 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_6-03_intro to UV Modifier.mp4 | 95.54 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_6-04-UVchecker.mp4 | 85.8 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_6-05-UVbottomtop.mp4 | 81.22 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_6-06-UVmiddle.mp4 | 120.68 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_6-07-UVmiddledistortion.mp4 | 89.36 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_6-08-resolution.mp4 | 59.9 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_6-09-packing.mp4 | 167.7 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_7-01-export to substance painter.mp4 | 44.76 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_7-02-Intro to SP2.mp4 | 140.32 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_7-03-Planning.mp4 | 151.56 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_7-04-Fill and Standard Layers.mp4 | 57.85 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_7-05 - WoodBase.mp4 | 86.53 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_7-06 - Wood Mask.mp4 | 91.5 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_7-07 - Painting normal maps.mp4 | 91.27 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_7-08 - Painting the Wood Planks.mp4 | 53.76 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_7-09-Finalizing the Wood Planks.mp4 | 132.22 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_7-10- Painting the Metal Bands.mp4 | 116.23 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_8-01-Adding the Dampness.mp4 | 115.35 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_8-02 - Weathered Top.mp4 | 94.92 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_8-03-darkening the planks.mp4 | 93.36 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_8-04 - plug.mp4 | 32.2 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_8-05 - AO.mp4 | 54.86 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_9-01-base metal.mp4 | 72.66 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_9-02 - metal mask.mp4 | 41.93 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_9-03-tweaking the metal.mp4 | 111.81 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_10-01-metal scratches.mp4 | 49.92 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_10-02 - localized dampness.mp4 | 157.65 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_10-03- finalizing the rust.mp4 | 55.46 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_10-04- Emphasizing the Screws.mp4 | 57.89 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_10-05 - Making it Dirty.mp4 | 58.94 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_10-06-Last Scratches.mp4 | 73.8 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_10-07-final overview.mp4 | 60.63 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_11-01-exporting textures.mp4 | 37.23 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_11-02- setting up in Unreal.mp4 | 91.4 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_11-03- Testing in Unreal.mp4 | 73.69 MB |
| | I_3DM_Max_11-04-export to sketchfab.mp4 | 97.74 MB |
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| | Wood_Keg.max | 468 KB |
| | Wood_Keg.spp | 70.21 MB |
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| | DefaultEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini | 70 bytes |
| | DefaultEngine.ini | 2.78 KB |
| | DefaultGame.ini | 245 bytes |
| | DefaultInput.ini | 1.12 KB |
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| | FirstPerson_AnimBP.uasset | 388.57 KB |
| | FirstPerson_Fire.uasset | 97.15 KB |
| | FirstPerson_Idle.uasset | 108.27 KB |
| | FirstPerson_JumpEnd.uasset | 97.79 KB |
| | FirstPerson_JumpLoop.uasset | 101.11 KB |
| | FirstPerson_JumpStart.uasset | 98.3 KB |
| | FirstPerson_Run.uasset | 99.24 KB |
| | FirstPersonTemplateWeaponFire02.uasset | 298.39 KB |
| | ML_GlossyBlack_Latex_UE4.uasset | 101.19 KB |
| | ML_Plastic_Shiny_Beige.uasset | 96.86 KB |
| | ML_Plastic_Shiny_Beige_LOGO.uasset | 98.21 KB |
| | ML_SoftMetal_UE4.uasset | 102.03 KB |
| | T_ML_Aluminum01.uasset | 8.35 MB |
| | T_ML_Aluminum01_N.uasset | 4.24 MB |
| | T_ML_Rubber_Blue_01_D.uasset | 5.25 MB |
| | T_ML_Rubber_Blue_01_N.uasset | 4.68 MB |
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| | SK_Mannequin_Arms_Skeleton.uasset | 11.64 KB |
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| | UE4_Mannequin__normals.uasset | 5.28 MB |
| | ML_GlossyBlack_Latex_UE4.uasset | 101.29 KB |
| | ML_Plastic_Shiny_Beige.uasset | 96.69 KB |
| | ML_Plastic_Shiny_Beige_LOGO.uasset | 111.84 KB |
| | ML_Screen.uasset | 94.33 KB |
| | ML_SoftMetal_UE4.uasset | 102.2 KB |
| | T_ML_Aluminum01.uasset | 8.35 MB |
| | T_ML_Aluminum01_N.uasset | 4.24 MB |
| | T_ML_FineRubber.uasset | 6.06 MB |
| | T_ML_Rubber_Blue_01_D.uasset | 5.25 MB |
| | T_ML_Rubber_Blue_01_N.uasset | 4.68 MB |
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| | SK_FPGun.uasset | 1.19 MB |
| | SK_FPGun_PhysicsAsset.uasset | 2.8 KB |
| | SK_FPGun_Skeleton.uasset | 2.86 KB |
| | T_FPGun_M.uasset | 260.69 KB |
| | T_FPGun_N.uasset | 2.01 MB |
| | BaseMaterial.uasset | 110.15 KB |
| | CubeMaterialOverride.uasset | 88.54 KB |
| | FirstPersonProjectileMaterial.uasset | 93.89 KB |
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| | FirstPersonCrosshair.uasset | 2.78 KB |
| | FirstPersonCharacter.uasset | 353.6 KB |
| | FirstPersonGameMode.uasset | 10.37 KB |
| | FirstPersonHUD.uasset | 89.46 KB |
| | FirstPersonProjectile.uasset | 163.79 KB |
| | FirstPersonExampleMap.umap | 19.89 MB |
| | FirstPersonOverview.uasset | 30.24 KB |
| | Wood_Keg.uasset | 126.82 KB |
| | 1M_Cube.uasset | 73.08 KB |
| | 1M_Cube_Chamfer.uasset | 104.86 KB |
| | CubeMaterial.uasset | 90.36 KB |
| | TemplateFloor.uasset | 98.27 KB |
| | WoodenKeg.uasset | 513 bytes |
| | Wood_Keg.uasset | 244.21 KB |
| | Wood_Keg_WoodenKeg_BaseColor.uasset | 532 bytes |
| | Wood_Keg_WoodenKeg_Normal.uasset | 529 bytes |
| | Wood_Keg_WoodenKeg_R_M_S_AO.uasset | 531 bytes |
| | Wood_Keg_WoodenKeg_BaseColor.uasset | 423.41 KB |
| | Wood_Keg_WoodenKeg_Normal.uasset | 349.84 KB |
| | Wood_Keg_WoodenKeg_R_M_S_AO.uasset | 447.8 KB |
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| | Wood_Keg_WoodenKeg_Normal.tga | 1 MB |
| | Wood_Keg_WoodenKeg_R_M_S_AO.tga | 1 MB |
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| | fable3.jpg | 107.13 KB |
| | skyrim.jpg | 188.02 KB |
| | skyrim2.jpg | 290.97 KB |
| | aged_barrel.jpg | 245.86 KB |
| | aged_barrels.jpg | 276.85 KB |
| | closeup_barrel.jpg | 466.35 KB |
| | close_up barrel.jpg | 183.14 KB |
| | Hickory.jpg | 200.96 KB |
| | NewBarrels.jpg | 279.16 KB |
| | oak.jpg | 1019.47 KB |
| | RedOak.jpg | 42.95 KB |
| | sanded_oak.jpg | 101.02 KB |
| | smoothoak.jpg | 2.73 MB |
| | T800_Metal.spsm | 1.53 MB |
| | UV Checker.jpg | 18.86 KB |
| | WoodKeg_ReferenceBoard.jpg | 591.25 KB |
| | WoodKeg_Turnaround.jpg | 198.71 KB |
| | Course Files.txt | 1.36 KB |