Kennedy 2016 03 10 WS SDTV x264-XAiOseeders: 0
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Kennedy 2016 03 10 WS SDTV x264-XAiO (Size: 252.36 MB)
Kennedy kicks the night off watching regret weigh heavy on Marco Rubio's shoulders. His attacks on Donald Trump have done nothing but boomerang on him. He basically apologized for it to Megyn Kelly. She then moves on to the fallout if Donald Trump some how took Florida and Ohio.
All eyes are on Ohio and Florida. Can Trump be stopped? We've got a very pretty party panel tonight, GAVIN McINNES, MEGHAN McCAIN, and JoANNE NOSUCHINSKY. Hillary got grilled at a recent debate. Moderators hit the email scandal and Benghazi. Our panel talks it out. Part 2 of an exclusive interview with the lead singer of EAGLES of DEATH METAL. JESSE HUGHS gives an extremely personal interview going over some of his experiences in the tragic Paris massacre. He covers gun control, politics, and Trump. Great interview. TOPICAL STORM Bernie Sanders is suing Ohio for not allowing 17 year olds to vote - the party panel is back to discuss. Pamela Anderson is trying to get prisons to go vegan. CHARLIE LeDUFF was on the ground in Florida to ask people about their upcoming primary. Now he's here with Kennedy to discuss his visit. PAUL BANKS of INTERPOL is in studio to talk about the power of music. They start off talking about the Paris massacre at the Bataclan. Related Torrents
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